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Asexual Reproduction Mr. Oggeri.

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Presentation on theme: "Asexual Reproduction Mr. Oggeri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asexual Reproduction Mr. Oggeri

2 I Can … Define asexual reproduction
Describe the different types of Asexual Reproduction

3 Asexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction 1. One parent
2. No sex cells 3. Offspring produced by cell division 4. Offspring identical to parent (same DNA) 5. Several types in plants and animals

4 Types of Asexual Reproduction
Binary Fission 1. Organism divides in half 2. 2 identical daughter cells produced 3. Daughter cells are half the parent’s size 4. Daughter cells grow, then divide too 5. In bacteria


6 Types of Asexual Reproduction
Budding 1. Small bud grows out of parent cell 2. Two different sized cells made (with identical DNA) 3. Bud breaks off and grows 4. In yeast and hydra


8 Types of Asexual Reproduction
Regeneration 1. Repair/ grow lost body parts 2. Left over cells divide to make more cells 3. Lobsters, starfish, lizards


10 Sporulation Spores are specialized asexual reproductive cells that contain a nucleus and a small amount of cytoplasm. Spores are surrounded by tough protective coats that enable them to survive in extreme heat or cold, for long periods of time. When environmental conditions become favorable, each spore can develop into a new organism.

11 Sporulation Formation of spores occurs in bread mold, mushrooms, mosses and ferns.


13 Vegetative Propagation
Is a form of asexual reproduction in plants, Can happen naturally e.g. runners, tubers, plantlets, bulbs or it can be done artificially by growers.

14 Modified Stems Runners
Horizontal stem which grows or runs over the soil surface. The terminal bud sends up new shoots & down new roots from it. e.g. strawberries


16 Creeping buttercup

17 Cloning Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. Every single bit of their DNA is identical. Clones can happen naturally—identical twins are just one of many examples. Or they can be made in the lab.

18 Cloning - Steps Unfertilized Eggs Collected from a donor sheep and had nuclei removed From 2nd Animal removed a sample of Udder cells. These Cells were cultured and had cell cycle arrested during the G Phase Nuclei from Udder Cells Transplanted into the egg cells. Resulting Cells were cultured and a few began to divide. These early embryos implanted into a surrogate mother. One of these developed into a Lamb – Dolly DNA Tests confirmed that the Lamb was identical Genetically to the Sheep that had provided the Udder Cells


20 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

21 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

22 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

23 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

24 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

25 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

26 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

27 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

28 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

29 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

30 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

31 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

32 What type of reproduction is this??? Explain…

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