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9/17/10 – BR: What type of land form do you see here?

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Presentation on theme: "9/17/10 – BR: What type of land form do you see here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/17/10 – BR: What type of land form do you see here?

2 Using information from today draw each type of plate boundary
Using information from today draw each type of plate boundary. Make sure to label each type of boundary. Homework Check

3 Binder Check Syllabus Mr
Binder Check Syllabus Mr. Mac’s Class Guidelines Student Bill of Rights 9/8: Exit Slip (about respect) 9/9: Exit Slip (about Robert and Amelia) 9/10: BR and Exit Slip (3 Things You Want to Learn..) 9/14 : BR, Notes about Earth Layers and Axis 9/15 : BR, Notes about Earth Crust and Continental Drift 9/16: (today) BR, Landform Notes

4 Landforms Project – Due Tuesday
Design, draw, and color a map containing at least ten of the landforms we will discuss today. Demonstrate that you understand the various forms. Landforms – 20pts. Color Design – 10 pts. Creativity/Originality – 10 pts.

5 Types of Landforms Lake River Island Range Mountain Archipelago
Channel Hill Valley Canal Divide Peninsula Volcano Bay Source Tributary Cape Plateau Strait Gulf Sea Isthmus

6 Peninsula

7 volcano A vent (opening) in the surface of the Earth through which magma erupts and also the landform that is constructed by the erupted material. Pinatubo, Philippines

8 tributary

9 Bay a body of water surrounded by land on three sides.
Hudson Bay, Canada

10 source The place where a river begins
Lake Victoria The Source of the Nile River Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania

11 Cape A cape is a pointed area of land that extends out into a body of water. Cape of Good Hope South Africa

12 plateau A large flat land at a high elevation
Central Siberian Plateau, Russia

13 strait A narrow deep body of water located between two land masses.
The Bering Strait, North Pacific Alaska Russia

14 gulf an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land; larger than a bay The Gulf of Mexico

15 sea a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land Mediterranean Sea

16 Isthmus A narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas
Isthmus of Panama Central America

17 lake The Great Lakes Northern United States - A body of fresh water.

18 river Amazon River – Brazil
- A flowing body of water moving higher to lower elevations.

19 island Madagascar, Southeast Africa
- Land surrounded by water on all sides.

20 range Andes Mountain Range West Coast of South America
- A long narrow group of mountains

21 mountain Mount Everest, Nepal, Asia Tallest Mountain in the World -

22 archipelago Indonesian Archipelago, Pacific Ocean
- A long narrow collection of islands

23 channel English Channel Between England and France
- A long narrow strip of water between two large land masses.

24 hill Hills of Rome, Italy A short rounded rise in elevation

25 valley Indus River Valley, Asia
- A low point between mountains or hills.

26 canal Suez Canal, Egypt - A man-made waterway

27 divide Continental Divide, North America
- Line indicating the divergent slopes of a continent

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