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The Hero’s Journey Based on Joseph Campbell’s

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Presentation on theme: "The Hero’s Journey Based on Joseph Campbell’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hero’s Journey Based on Joseph Campbell’s
The Hero with a Thousand Faces And Chris Vogler’s The Writer’s Journey

2 Hero’s Journey Hero’s story is always a journey.
Leaves comforts of home to venture into a challenging, unfamiliar world. Can be outward journey (actual place) Inward journey (of the mind, the heart, the spirit.)

3 Hero’s Journey 12 Stages Ordinary world Call to Adventure
Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Tests, Allies, Enemies Approach to the Inmost Cave Ordeal Reward (Seizing the Sword) The Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir

4 Hero’s Journey Act One Departure and Separation Ordinary world
Call to Adventure Refusal of Call Supernatural Aid (mentor) Crossing the First Threshold

5 Hero’s Journey Act Two Descent, Initiation
Road of Trials (Tests, Allies, Enemies) Ordeal Reward

6 Hero’s Journey Act Three Return (The Road Back) Refusal of the Return
Magic Flight Rescue from Within Crossing the Threshold Return Resurrection (Master of the 2 Worlds) Return with the Elixir (Freedom to Live)

7 What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler

8 1. Ordinary World Taking hero from ordinary world (mundane) to special world. “Fish out of water” What are some examples?

9 Ordinary World-Wreck it Ralph

10 Ordinary World-Smallville

11 Ordinary World-Divergent

12 Ordinary World Examples
Small town in Kansas (Dorothy, Superman) 4 Privet Drive (Harry Potter) The Shire (Frodo Baggins) District 12 (Katniss) Fix-It Felix, Jr (Wreck it Ralph)

13 The hero can no longer remain in the comfort of the Ordinary World.
2. Call to Adventure Problem is presented. The hero can no longer remain in the comfort of the Ordinary World.

14 The Call To Adventure-Collage

15 Call to Adventure-Spiderman

16 Call to Adventure-Hunger Games

17 The Call to Adventure-Batman

18 Refusal of the Call (Reluctant Hero)
Fear! Terror of unknown. Need some other influence to convince her -- change in circumstances, more disruption, encouragement of the Mentor. (Star Wars- Aunt and Uncle killed)

19 Refuse the Call-Harry Potter

20 4. Mentor Introduction of Merlin-like character
Common in mythology and rich in symbolic value. Bond between parent/child, teacher/student, god/man. Examples?

21 Mentor Examples Haymitch Splinter Miyagi Yoda Dumbledore Master Shifu
The Giver

22 Mentors-Hunger Games

23 Mentor-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

24 Mentor-Karate Kid

25 5. Crossing the First Threshold
Hero commits to adventure. Story takes off/ Central question is clear and looks hard to solve. Turning point between Act One and Act Two. Examples?

26 Crossing the Threshold –Harry Potter

27 Crossing the Threshold-Alice in Wonderland

28 Crossing the Threshold-Divergent

29 Crossing the Threshold-The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

30 6. Tests, Allies and Enemies
Begin to learn the rules of the Special World. He must face a series of trials and challenges manufactured to test him and prepare him for the greater ordeals ahead. These Tests are often very difficult, but they are not life-or-death situations. In this period of adjustment, the hero must figure out who can be trusted and relied upon, and who cannot.

31 Tests, Allies & Enemies-Harry Potter

32 Tests, Allies & Enemies-Wizard of Oz

33 Tests, Allies & Enemies-Mulan

34 7. Approach to the Inmost Cave
The hero must make preparation needed to approach the Inmost Cave that leads to the Supreme Ordeal. Hero at edge of danger where the object of quest is hidden. he most dangerous spot in the Special World. Maps may be reviewed, attacks planned, possibly the enemy’s forces whittled down before the Hero can face his greatest fear, or the supreme danger lurking. The Approach may be a time for some romance or a few jokes before the battle, or it may signal a ticking clock or a heightening of the stakes.

35 Approach The Inmost Cave

36 Approach the Inmost Cave-Mulan

37 Approach the Inmost Cave-Once Upon a Time

38 8. The Ordeal Fortunes of hero hit the bottom - confrontation with greatest fear. Star Wars - Trapped in giant trashmasher, ET - dies on operating table - death of a relationship in romance--things look bleak. Initiation.

39 The Ordeal-Mulan

40 The Ordeal-Star Wars

41 9. Reward Survived death, take possession of treasure, reap reward. Hero becomes hero. “Sword” = knowledge, experience, understanding, reconciliation.

42 Reward

43 Reward-Star Wars

44 Reward-Lion, Witch, & the Wardrobe

45 10. Road Back Not out of woods yet.
Deal with consequences of confronting the dark forces. Great chase scenes here. Decision to return to the Ordinary World. (Turning Point to Act Three)

46 Road Back-Wizard of Oz

47 Road Back-ET

48 11. Resurrection Purification, Rebirth, Cleansing before returning to the Ordinary World. Almost replay of Ordeal. Final shot of Death and Darkness. Final test.

49 Resurrection-Harry Potter

50 Resurrection-Frozen

51 12. Return with the Elixir The Return to the Ordinary World has meaning because of the Elixir hero brings back - treasure, lesson learned, knowledge, love. ET - friendship, Star Wars - end of Vader, peace. Journey must be repeated if no Elixir.

52 Return-How to Train Your Dragon

53 Return: Return of the Jedi

54 Return: Kung Fu Panda

55 Hero’s Journey Heroes introduced in ORDINARY WORLD, where
They receive the CALL TO ADVENTURE. They are RELUCTANT at first (REFUSE THE CALL), but Are encouraged by a MENTOR to CROSS THE THRESHOLD and enter Special world, where They encounter TESTS, ALLIES, AND ENEMIES.

56 Hero’s Journey 8. Where they endure the ORDEAL.
7. They APPROACH THE INMOST CAVE, crossing a second threshold 8. Where they endure the ORDEAL. 9. They take possession of their REWARD and 10. Are pursued on THE ROAD BACK to the Ordinary World. 11. They cross the third threshold, experience a RESURECTION and are transformed by the experience. 12. They RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR, a boon or treasure to benefit the Ordinary World.

57 The Hero’s Journey Review

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