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Preparing for Observation The New Common Inspection Framework

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1 Preparing for Observation The New Common Inspection Framework

2 Think about a good lesson
What evidence of good teaching was visible to an observer? What evidence of good learning was visible to an observer?

3 Objectives By the end of this session you will have:
found out about changes to the Common Inspection Framework (CIF); clarified some practical aspects of the CIF in the observation of teaching, training and assessment; explored what IQT observers are looking for and how they use different documentation to help assess lessons; watched and graded a lesson, using the new observation form and identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

4 Still the same: 1-4 categories
All aspects of the provision, including the teaching, training and assessment, are graded as before: Grade 1 Outstanding Grade 2 Good Grade 3 Satisfactory Grade 4 Inadequate.

5 Now different: Limiting grades
These 2 categories determine the overall grade as they ..”are considered to be essential in assuring the quality of the development and well-being of young people and adults. “ The grades for these two aspects may therefore limit other grades, including the grade for overall effectiveness.” The limiting grades are: Equality and diversity Safeguarding


7 Other changes A strong focus on self-assessment by the college
High priority being given to achievement and standards More emphasis on Every Child Matters as outcome, where appropriate An increased focus on the progress made by different groups of learners

8 Main change for teachers, trainers and assessors is the focus on ….
Learning Task: What will you need to do / think about / demonstrate in order to make the learning in your classrooms obvious to you, your students and the observer?

9 The New Common Inspection Framework
Lesson observation tells inspectors about leadership and management, among other things. Interviews with staff are as important to the inspectors as observation of lessons. Inspectors will visit a minimum of 50% of the classes. Inspectors base their decisions on their previous teaching experience. Inspectors always give the teachers they observe feedback after the observed lesson, including giving them their grades. Some observations may only last 15 minutes. Inspectors may be interested in specific aspects of the provision, such as use of ICT or personalised learning. It is possible that you may be observed by 2 people – the lead inspector and a member of the college’s observation team. true false false false standards true but .. true true true

10 What impact is this having on IQT observations?
Changes to procedure New lesson observation form Same grading matrix

11 back

12 back

13 What are your top 10 tips for great ESOL teaching?
Task: In groups, make a list of what you consider to be the most important 10 things that you would expect to see in an outstanding ESOL lesson. Students can do something at the end of the lesson that they couldn’t at the beginning. There is plenty of varied and sensitive oral correction. Give clear instructions There are checks on learning throughout.

14 Assessing teaching Watch the lesson.
What grade would you give the lesson and why? Make a note of three main strengths and three areas for improvement for the teacher.

15 Final thoughts – some advice?
Plan to assess learning throughout the lesson, including prior learning and creating links to future learning (eliciting, concept checking, getting and giving feedback after activities, etc.) Check that the planned activities really do help achieve your objectives Give clear models both of new language and the tasks you are asking students to do Allow plenty of time in the lessons for students to practice, even if your timing is a little off In skills lessons, ensure that you are developing skills and not just testing them Remember and plan for equality and diversity throughout the lesson – specify how you are going to address any issues in the class Remember the ECM outcomes while planning and teaching (click here for outcomes)

16 Every Citizen Matters Making a positive contribution Being healthy
5 outcomes Making a positive contribution Being healthy Staying safe Enjoying and achieving  Achieving economic well-being Page 7 Back to final thoughts

17 Good luck!

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