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Initial Hypothesis (if, then): Revised Hypothesis (if, then):

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Presentation on theme: "Initial Hypothesis (if, then): Revised Hypothesis (if, then):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Initial Hypothesis (if, then): Revised Hypothesis (if, then):
Barbie Bungee 10/20-10/23 Barbie Bungee 10/20-10/23 Initial Hypothesis (if, then): Revised Hypothesis (if, then): Materials: Graph will go here (you will have to determine the correct type of graph based upon the data that you collect) Colored & labeled illustrations will go here Notes/Observations/Possible errors: Slope: Show your work!!! X = Show your work!!! Summary/Conclusion/ Questions (Minimum 3 Complete Sentences - What was the purpose, how’d you go about achieving the purpose, & what were your results)

2 Lab Questions (complete sentences)
What is the mass of your Barbie/Ken? What was the velocity of your Barbie/Ken? Determine all of the forces acting on Barbie/Ken during the drop. (minimum two) At which point does your Barbie/Ken have the greatest amount of Potential Energy? The greatest amount of Kinetic Energy? Which law of motion does this lab demonstrate? Does it illustrate more than one? Explain your reasoning. How did your group do? Did you succeed? Crush Barbie to Death? Or bore her completely? What could your group do better to improve next time? Don’t forget your Summary!

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