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KEY MESSAGES JRES: Time to review the year and plan ahead

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Presentation on theme: "KEY MESSAGES JRES: Time to review the year and plan ahead"— Presentation transcript:

1 KEY MESSAGES JRES: Time to review the year and plan ahead
We reviewed the targets/achievements Plans ahead?

2 GOVERNANCE Finalize PLESSP 2017-2021: Enhance coordination
harmonize teacher incentives Validate policies that are in draft Government increase funding to Education for fiscal sustainability Capacity building on fiscal management Develop a model for public private partnership for education

3 ACCESS Focus on pastoralist and other marginal populations: ABE, Mobile schools, Feeder schools/hub schools Increase NFE sector beyond projects Research on pastoralist education Focus on girls education Strategy for ECE Plan for Emergency education Develop strategy to make our education inclusive for Special Needs children School Feeding programme/food for training

4 QUALITY Production of textbooks in line with new curriculum
Teacher training on new curriculum Investment in teacher supervision/quality assurance Teacher payroll and HR guidance on progression Support for summative examinations Support for measuring learning achievements Syllabus development for TVET,NFE and ECE Review secondary syllabus Capacity building for education managers Promote status of GTEC to National Teacher Training Institute

Strategy for special needs children Focus on increasing enrolment of the girl child Strategy to increase female teachers Pastoralist education and rural areas focus Scholarships for girls

6 TVET Beyond project based TVET: TVET revitalization through model TVET centres Market survey Tracer study to inform relevance of courses offered Develop TVET syllabus in line with new curriculum Train TVET instructors Capacity building of TVET management

7 HIGHER EDUCATION Establish commission of Higher education
Linkages with other universities Capacity on research is built Training of University lecturers Equitable distribution of scholarships Labor market survey on higher education courses

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