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Reagan and the Growth of Conservatism

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Presentation on theme: "Reagan and the Growth of Conservatism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reagan and the Growth of Conservatism

2 Ronald Reagan Conservative Republican Former Movie Star Popular
Reducing taxes Positive on business Negative effect on poor

3 State or Federal Gov’t??? Republicans believed states should have more responsibility Federal: cut social programs, trimmed budget Reagan cut size of Gov’t

4 Reaganomics Supply Side Economics: Gov’t spends less, businesses spend more Tax cuts Consumers with more money Cuts in welfare programs Budget Deficit: gap where spending exceeded revenue

5 Tax Policy Two Tax Brackets Lower income: 15% Upper income: 28%
2 Trillion dollar national debt by late 1980s Debt burden following nation into the 1990s

6 Business Deregulation
Getting rid of gov’t rules that controlled business competition Mergers increased during Reagan years Controls off oil industry

7 The Environment?? Reduced support
Strip mining increased: injured the land Wildlife protection failed Also, Weakened civil rights legislation

8 Minorities Cuts in social programs hurt minorities
Income gap increased b/w races Jesse Jackson: Rainbow Coalition of minorities

9 Supreme Court and Schools
Engel v. Vitale 1962 Prayer in school violated separation of church and state Abington School District v. Shempp 1963 Bible readings violated 1st Amendment Tinker v. Des Moines Schools 1969 Students do not shed constitutional rights at school New Jersey v. TLO 1985 Reasonable suspicion for searches and seizures Vernonia School District v. Acton 1995 Schools can conduct random drug testing

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