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TALQ: Transparency in Arts Levels and Qualifications

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1 TALQ: Transparency in Arts Levels and Qualifications
12.00 – 12.00 TALQ: Transparency in Arts Levels and Qualifications Anita Debaere-PEARLE Chris Van Goethem- Erasmus University College


3 The art sector International Mobile
Different nationalities work together Travel where the work is Touring is in the DNA Mobile Geographic mobility Between different jobs Between different (sub)sectors

4 Bridging the sector and training
Labour market needs (employers & workers/ job seeker) International mobility = the starting point Specific consideration for job profiles in the technical area

5 European activities Social partners, education and training sector, Sector skills council, … Leonardo projects ( ) Social dialogue projects ( , ) Skills council project ( ) Erasmus plus project (TALQ) Involvement in ESCO reference group Arts, culture, entertainment, sport and active leisure ( )

6 Why? Now 28 countries make comparisons with 27 countries
756 comparisons to check 1 occupation

7 Why? European qualification
28 countries use 1 common (ESCO) qualification 28 comparisons to check 1 occupation

8 Principles behind a EU qualification
Transparency We need to understand each other We need a common language Trust We have to be sure the holder is able to perform Freedom of education and organisation Every country, region, school, … is free to organise their education as they want.

9 Development of the ESCO theatre technical competences
Re-use of prior project results (TTT-LPT) Smallest common denominator Checklist for competences Numbering (field, place in process) Matrix

10 Proposal: sectoral layer (competence)
More detail Performance criteria Knowledge Assessment strategy (extra’s)

11 Occupations Redefine occupations (profile level)
Define 70% essential competences Define competence sets to fill 30% Defined occupation Freedom for regions, countries, schools, …

12 What about … ? “general education” “democratic – humanistic education”
“key competences” Communicating in a mother tongue Communicating in a foreign language Mathematical, scientific and technological competence Digital competence Learning to learn Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Cultural awareness and expression

13 Level (EQF) EQF is not conceived to link directly to a qualification
But through NQF’s No legal ground to assign an EQF level No methodology to define an EQF level SQF > adapted descriptors for the Arts

14 Why do we need credits? Profile 70 / 30 % Indicator for exchange
Defining a qualification

15 Relation credit - competence
Can we define a credit for a competence? Typically for units of learning Credits are too large CentiCredits

16 Result: Common profile
Based on ESCO With sectoral definition With an EQF level With 30% flexibility Defined by (Centi)Credits

17 Process vs. result Learning Grading is about
Effort Improvement Quality is about service to learner Qualification Statement is about Competence Quality is about measurement of result

18 Quality standard for a common qualification
Common ground Meeting the different standards Limited to assessment and validation process of the result EN ISO/IEC 17024: General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons

19 Quality requirements for a common qualification
Accredited assessment centres working with Agreed and supported assessment procedures and Validated assessment methods carried out by Qualified assessors

20 Quality management A consortium of Representative and supporting
Social partners Professional organisations Education players Assessment centres Field specialists Structure specialists Representative and supporting Defining the profiles Defining the levels and credits Acrediting assessment centres Validating qualifications

21 Principles behind a EU qualification
Transparency We need to understand each other We need a common language Trust We have to be sure the holder is able to perform Freedom of education and organisation Every country, region, school, … is free to organise their education as they want. Transparency A common profile ESCO Trust Quality standard Stakeholders involvement Freedom 70% / 30% Measurement of result

22 Future Building on projects Develop a consortium structure
Course content (ETTE) Streamlining courses (Syntra) Portfolio (TeBeVat) Evaluation aprenticeship (Cue One Go) Assessment (ETTE / TeBeVat) Develop a consortium structure

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