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Atoms are composed of: _______: negatively charged particles

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1 CHAPTER 2: THE MOLECULES of LIFE The Study of Interactions between Atoms and Molecules
Atoms are composed of: _______: negatively charged particles _______: positively charged particles _______: uncharged particles Move around the nucleus In the nucleus

2 ______________________
Table 2.1

3 CHEMICAL REACTIONS The forces holding atoms in a compound are ___________.
Chemical reactions - the making or breaking of _______ between atoms. A change in chemical energy occurs during a chemical reaction. _____gonic reactions: _____ energy. Exergonic reactions: ________ energy.

4 _____________ REACTIONS
__________ - atoms, ions, or molecules combine to form new, larger molecules _________ - synthesis of molecules in a cell. A + B AB Atom, ion, or molecule A Atom, ion, or molecule B New molecule AB Ex.: glucose + fructose → sucrose

5 ____________ REACTIONS
__________ - when a molecule is split into smaller molecules, ions, or atoms. ______ - the decomposition reactions in a cell. Breaks down into AB A + B New molecule AB Atom, ion, or molecule A Atom, ion, or molecule B Ex.: sucrose → glucose + fructose

6 Enzymes Biological _________
_________ - chemicals that increase the _____ of chemical reactions in organisms.

7 Different Types of COMPOUNDS
_____________ small, ionically bonded molecules that generally lack ______________ Important Inorganic Compounds: Water Acids Bases Salts ___________ large, covalently bonded molecules that always contain __________________ Small organic molecules (monomers) combine to form large macromolecules Important Organic Compounds: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

8 Inorganic Compounds: ________
IMPORTANT PROPERTIES OF __________: ________ molecule Uneven distribution of charge ____________ Substance in which a solute can dissolve to form a solution Temperature _________ ________ changes in temperature Reactant In decomposition reactions of digestion

9 Acids, Bases, and Salts - Inorganic
ACID - a substance that dissociates into one or more ____. HCl  H++Cl BASE - a substance that dissociates into one or more ____. NaOH  Na+ + OH- SALT - a substance that dissociates into cations and anions, _____ of which is H+ or OH. NaCl  Na+ + Cl Figure 2.6

10 Organic Compounds: ____________
FUNCTION Provide _________________ Provide structural support in plant cell walls STRUCTURE Molecules made of C, H + O in a 1:2:1 ratio FORMULA : CH2O

11 Organic Compounds: CARBOHYDRATES
Types _____SACCHARIDES Simple sugars _____ carbon atoms Ex.: Glucose ____SACCHARIDES Two simple sugars joined together; Ex.: sucrose ________SACCHARIDES Polymers made of 100s of monosaccharide subunits Ex.: starch, glycogen, cellulose

12 Organic Compounds: __saccharides
Disaccharides are formed when two monosaccharides are joined in a _____________ or condensation reactions. Disaccharides can be broken down into monosaccharides by ____________. Figure 2.8

________: Made of branch chains of glucose Energy storage in plants Food reservoirs in seeds and bulbs Branched glucose polymers Storage form of energy in liver ___________: Glucose polymer Cell walls of plants

14 Organic Compounds: _______
Phospholipid – complex lipid PROPERTIES OF LIPIDS Primary components of cell membranes. Consist of C, H, and O. _______ and insoluble in water. Subunits: __________

15 ____________ Large molecule containing C, H, O and N (sometimes S)
FUNCTIONAL TYPES: ___________-essential in cell structure Flagella are made of proteins Some bacterial toxins are proteins _____________ - move chemicals across membranes _________ – proteins that speed chemical reactions

16 ______________ Consist of subunits called ___________.
Amino Group Carboxyll Group Peptide bonds between amino acids are formed by _____________________. Figure 2.14

17 Nucleic Acids ex. DNA, RNA, ATP
Building blocks of Nucleic Acids are _____________ _____________ consist of: ___________ (5 carbon sugar) __________ group Nitrogen-containing _____(purine or pyrimidine) Figure 2.16

18 DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
Contains __________ribose (sugar) Exists as a double _______ A hydrogen bonds with T C hydrogen bonds with G Figure 2.16

19 RNA Ribonucleic acid __________ (sugar) __________
A hydrogen bonds with U (U replaces T in RNA) C hydrogen bonds with G Figure 2.17

20 ___________ Provides _________________
SUBUNITS: Ribose Adenine 3 phosphate groups Made by ___________ synthesis. Broken down by hydrolysis to liberate useful energy for the cell. i Figure 2.18

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