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The Origin of Thanksgiving

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1 The Origin of Thanksgiving
Grace, Hae Joo, Jamie, Alice, Emily 2 minutes: Hook 2 minutes: Social Justice 2 Minutes: central message- essential and enduring questions 5 Minutes- Each group members give a 1 min summary of their lesson

2 5 Essential Components of Social Justice Education

Students will be able to experience the different aspects of living during the time of the first Thanksgiving. By being fully immersed in the curriculum, making decisions and judgments, constantly questioning and challenging the information presented in the text, and recreating how Thanksgiving should be yet still being able to experience the injustice that were faced by the Native American, students will take ownership of their learning and experience history through an authentic way.

4 CRITICAL ANALYSIS Through the use of dramatic arts, the teacher will recreate the time period in which the Pilgrims and Native Americans were unable to resolve their differences with each other. Parents will come into role as Pilgrims and Native Americans to present their dilemma and to seek possibilities as to how they could resolve them. Through this experience, the students will not only understand the social misconceptions that the Pilgrims and Native Americans had of each other, but also how the two cultures influenced each other in terms of power.

Students will be empowered to become authentic change agents when they learn how important the plants are for our environment and how to plant and how to take care of a plant together as a class. This allows students to understand the importance of helping and taking care of our environment. During the trade market activity in math, students are learning what is fair but also experiencing injustice during the activity. By experiencing what is both right and wrong, students will have an understanding of justice and unfairness. This will allow students to be able to make good and just choices in the future.

6 PERSONAL REFLECTION The students will be examining the oppression the Native Americans feel through the letters from a Wanpanoag child, participating in a trade market with both fair and unfair trading, hearing the story from Squanto and other historical figures teacher and parents step into those roles, and reflecting on what they have been learning and writing a persuasive essay presenting their opinions on the origin of the first Thanksgiving. Students will be constantly challenged during the unit in a safe and comfortable environment.

Throughout unit, students will use dialogue to communicate to each other to negotiate the grounds for a peace treaty between Native Americans and pilgrims based on the argument about thanksgiving by the parents in role. One parent represents a Native American, and the other represents a pilgrim, giving their sides of the story. The students will get the opportunity to discuss and share which side they would choose to be on. Students will also be given the opportunity to take a look at the world around them regarding the culture, and ethnic diversities and compare and contrast to what they have been learning throughout the unit.

8 Our Central Message The topic of this unit will be focusing on the multiple perspectives of Thanksgiving. They will be presented with different textbook versions of the Origin of Thanksgiving as well as primary sources that give a more accurate account of historical events. The purpose of the unit is to allow the students to engage with historical arguments surrounding a widely accepted event and formulate their own understanding regarding the premise behind Thanksgiving.

9 Essential Questions What historical events influenced the construction of the idea of the first Thanksgiving? Who were the key historical figures and groups of people involved in the first Thanksgiving What were the political agendas or motivations that influenced Pilgrim and Native American interaction? How can we learn to analyze the different versions of the Thanksgiving story and synthesize information to construct an accurate historical account

10 Enduring Understanding
Students will understand the importance of voicing their own opinion and be actively searching for what actually happened instead of submissively following what is in the textbook by exploring primary and secondary sources. Students will apply what they learned in this unit to present day situations through demonstrating the ability to recognize characteristics of ever-changing cultures and traditions. Students will have a full understanding of the historical context of thanksgiving by integrating Thanksgiving lessons into each subject

11 A Glimpse Into Our Unit Hae Joo- Taking Perspective of Native Americans Grace- & Jamie- Whose Side are You On? Alice- Trading like the Native Americans Emily- Work Your Magic Powwaw

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