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Allan Collins Northwestern University

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1 Allan Collins Northwestern University
Designing Computer-based Learning Environments to Foster Self-directed Learning Allan Collins Northwestern University

2 Self- Directed Learners
Want people to develop deep skills, knowledge that lead to fruitful careers Many different career interests, such as medicine, technology, etc. Specific passions, such as dinosaurs, poetry, horses, etc. Society should make it possible to pursue interests as deeply as possible by providing web resources

3 Potential Web Resources
Peer Networks Online Courses

4 Peer Networks Kids have different passions Share with like minded kids
Chat rooms, MUVES Build online museums, interactive games, forum for discussion of theories, simulation models, etc.

5 Online Courses Realistic situations Simulation Animation Voice Video
Multiple representations Interaction Scaffolding Reflection

6 Conclusion Before universal schooling, many were self-directed learners. School robbed youths of the responsibility for their own learning. Web and computers provide means to pursue own learning goals. No learning as powerful as what learners decide for themselves. Self-directed learning has high payoff in a society that values active thinkers and learners.

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