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Presentation on theme: "WYNIKI SESJI MATURALNEJ IBDP MAY 2015"— Presentation transcript:


2 School statistics School statistics Number of candidates registered in the session: 50 Number of diploma candidates registered in the session: Number of subject entries in the session: 407 Number of candidates who passed the diploma: 49 Average points obtained by candidates who passed the diploma: 36 Highest diploma points awarded to a candidate: 44 Average grade obtained at the school by candidates who passed the diploma: 5.85 Total number of candidates excluded from statistics: Wszyscy przystępujący do egzaminu maturalnego otrzymają dyplomy, z wyjątkiem jednej osoby, która zdała egzaminy na wysokim poziomie, ale nie zaliczyła programu CAS, co uniemożliwia otrzymanie dyplomu IB. Na realizację programu CAS osoba ta ma kolejny rok szkolny. IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

3 EE Subject results - grade distribution
No. of Cand. Grade Highest grade Lowest grade A B C D E P N Subject Group 1 POLISH A EE 19 15 3 1 Subject Group 3 ECONOMICS EE in ENGLISH GEOGRAPHY EE in ENGLISH 4 HISTORY EE in ENGLISH 2 PSYCHOLOGY EE in ENGLISH 9 6 Subject Group 4 BIOLOGY EE in ENGLISH CHEMISTRY EE in ENGLISH PHYSICS EE in ENGLISH 5 Subject Group 6 VISUAL ARTS EE in ENGLISH IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

4 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Average grade (school) Average grade (World-Wide) Highest grade Lowest grade 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P N Subject Group 1 ENGLISH A: Literature SL   5.50 5.07 POLISH A: Literature HL   6.14 5.64 POLISH A: Literature SL   42 20 11 9 5.36 5.35 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

5 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Average grade (school) Average grade (World-Wide) Highest grade Lowest grade 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P N Subject Group 2 ENGLISH B HL   48 19 28 6.38 5.73 FRENCH AB. SL   5.86 5.04 GERMAN AB. SL   6.33 4.93 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

6 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Average grade (school) Average grade (World-Wide) Highest grade Lowest grade 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P N Subject Group 3 ECONOMICS HL ENGLISH 5.50 5.15 ECONOMICS SL ENGLISH 5.00 4.67 GEOGRAPHY HL ENGLISH 10 5.70 5.24 GEOGRAPHY SL ENGLISH 14 5.71 4.70 HIST.EUROPE/ME HL ENGLISH 5.60 4.80 HISTORY SL ENGLISH 4.50 4.65 PSYCHOLOGY HL ENGLISH 5.33 PSYCHOLOGY SL ENGLISH 16 8 5.31 4.37 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

7 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Average grade (school) Average grade (World-Wide) Highest grade Lowest grade 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P N Subject Group 4 BIOLOGY HL ENGLISH 24 13 6.04 4.35 BIOLOGY SL ENGLISH 10 5.20 4.25 CHEMISTRY HL ENGLISH 26 9 8 5.00 4.50 CHEMISTRY SL ENGLISH 4.05 PHYSICS HL ENGLISH 5.13 4.69 PHYSICS SL ENGLISH 5.57 4.19 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

8 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Average grade (school) Average grade (World-Wide) Highest grade Lowest grade 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P N Subject Group 5 MATH.STUDIES SL ENGLISH 14 6.14 4.48 MATHEMATICS HL ENGLISH 13 5.62 4.43 MATHEMATICS SL ENGLISH 23 5.39 4.44 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

9 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Average grade (school) Average grade (World-Wide) Highest grade Lowest grade 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P N Subject Group 6 VISUAL ARTS OPTION A HL ENGLISH 4.50 4.84 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015

10 Subject results - grade distribution
Number of Candidates Grade Highest grade Lowest grade A B C D E P N Subject Group 9 THEORY KNOWL. TK in ENGLISH 50 5 18 25 2 IB World School No wyniki sesji IBDP May 2015


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