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Semi-Annual EVVRS and HIB-ITP Report

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Presentation on theme: "Semi-Annual EVVRS and HIB-ITP Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semi-Annual EVVRS and HIB-ITP Report
Matthew A. Spelker Superintendent of Schools July 24, 2017

2 Electronic Violence & Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS)
Reporting period: 1/1/17-6/30/17 Total incidents: Violence: 0 Vandalism: 0 Substance offense: 0 Theft: 0 Damage to property: 0 Weapons offense: 0 Other: 0 (HIB)

3 Electronic Violence & Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS)
Location Cafeteria: 0 Classroom: 0 Corridor: 0 Other inside school: 0 Other outside school: 0 Off campus/school sponsored function: 0 Off campus/non school sponsored function: 0 School bus: 0

4 Electronic Violence & Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS)
Ten year history: : 10 incidents : 4 incidents : 9 incidents : 2 incidents : 5 incidents : 4 incidents : 2 incidents : 1 incident : 1 incident incidents

5 What Keeps Our Students Safe?
Board policies/regulations. School procedures and School Safety Plan. Character Education (Tuesdays). Culture and Climate Initiative (United Way and College of St. Elizabeth). Staff professional development. Cooperation with law enforcement (H.T.P.D., M.C.P.O., O.E.M.). L.E.A.D. (Law Enforcement Against Drugs) classes in grade 5. Replaced the D.A.R.E. program.

6 HIB – Investigations, Trainings and Programs
Confirmed HIB: 0

7 HIB – Investigations, Trainings and Programs
SAFE Schools Training-Suicide Prevention, Health and Safety topics- Completed by faculty, staff and administrative team. The training consists of a total of thirteen online sessions, each requiring a comprehensive assessment in order to complete the course. HIB Training for Faculty and Staff: Cyber-bullying, Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, HIB consequences, HIB prevention and intervention, School Climate and Culture improvement. Character Education Curriculum/Climate and Culture Teams Week of Respect Activities United Way School Support Network workshop

8 HIB – Investigations, Trainings and Programs
District-wide Character Education program- a common language for all HTS students. ½ hour – once per week- fourth year of program Renewal of the Climate and Culture Initiative. The district has continued its partnership with the United Way and The College of St. Elizabeth. February 15th Dr. Maurice Elias- presentation regarding Social Emotional Learning at the College of St. Elizabeth. Climate and Culture Meetings-teachers, parents and students- Mrs. Baldassari, Ms. Thomas, and Mrs. Macaulay

9 Conclusion Harding Township School is proud to be a safe and caring environment for our students to learn and grow. HTS’ faculty and administration have made a concerted effort to improve the climate and culture of our school over the past four plus years. HTS is thankful to our parents and school board for its continued support of the Climate and Culture committee.

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