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Outcome Thinking and Management

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1 Outcome Thinking and Management
Shifting Focus from Activities to Results Training Information Provided by: Center for Outcomes Rensselearville Institute Training Sponsored by Foundation Center Knowledge to build on. End

2 Outcomes: the 3rd Stage of Management
Stage 1 Early Industrial Economy: Management of Workers Stage 2 – 1920 – 1970: Management of Work Stage 3 – The Age of Outcomes: Management of the Product Work…The Results …using outcome thinking to guide all management functions as a way to improve client result and return on investment.

3 Introduction to Outcome Thinking
Your Team is charged with – Improve Agency Performance Three Approaches The problem approach The activity approach The outcome approach

4 The Problem Approach Benefits of Problem Thinking: Traps
A problem approach comes with a certain set of questions: Why do we have a problem? What or who caused it? What obstacles exist to solve it? Benefits of Problem Thinking: Answers the WHY question Gives historical understanding Motivates and engages Provides a baseline Traps Analysis Paralysis Can depress and “de-motivate Focuses on what was/is, not what could be Motivates and engages Provides a baseline

5 The Activities Approach
An activity approach leads to a different set of questions: What should we do? When can we start? Who can do it? What are the rules? Benefits of Problem Thinking: Fire, fire, fire Get us moving Makes us feel productive Traps Re-enforce crisis management Equates activity with results Skips reflection and learning All start, no finish Burn out

6 The Outcome Experience
Imagine that in three years you and your staff/board are celebrating a highly successful three year period for your organization. Answer the following: What are we hearing, seeing, feeling, experiencing once we succeed? What is in place that wasn’t before? What has been gained for us and those we serve?

7 The Outcome Approach Benefits of Outcome Thinking: Traps
Increased clarity What success looks like What we have accomplished The gap Traps Aim, aim, keep aiming Pie in the sky Can cross the vision/hallucination line Must be lived to be believed Enables learning and innovations Puts meaning to mission Assures staff alignment Build staff energy Helps with follow up functions

8 Overview of Major Outcome Models
The Logic Model Balanced Scorecard Outcome Funding/Management Framework Targeting Outcomes of Programs Managing for Results Getting to Outcomes Scales and Ladders Results Mapping Results-Based Accountability

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