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Future challenges for the BELLE II experiment

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1 Future challenges for the BELLE II experiment
Miniworkshop di CCR e Corso di formazione su: "HTCondor per amministratori di batch system" Bologna 24/10/2016 Dr. Silvio Pardi INFN-Napoli

2 Outline Belle II Collaboration The Computing Model
The production system: DIRAC Monte Carlo Campaign Storage Protocols Http/WebDav and Dynafed R&D

3 The Belle II Collaboration
BELLE II is an international collaboration that aims at develop a large scientific program on the Physics of flavor through a new e+e- collider named SuperKEKB, in development at the Japanese laboratory KEK (Tsukuba). SuperKEKB is an upgrade of KEKB, it plans to improve of a factor 50 the quantity of data to respect the previous facility (BELLE).

4 The Site

5 The Belle II Collaboration
~2500 members

6 Belle II Time Line

7 Belle II Computing Model
The BELLE II Computing model has to accomplish, the following main tasks, in a geographically distributed environment: RAW data processing Monte Carlo Production Physics analysis Data Storage and Data Archiving On going activities Resource Estimation Define strategy for analysis and data distribution Individuating technologies

8 Site Classification The BELLE II Computing Sites are classified as follow: Raw Data Center: Who stores the RAW Data and makes data processing and/or data reprocessing. Regional Data Center: Large data center that stores mDST and participates at the Monte Carlo production MC Production site: Data Center that produces and stores Monte Carlo simulations, that included: Grid Site Cloud Site Computing Cluster Site


10 Belle II Network estimation Update
TYPE OF DATA DATA MOVEMENT STRATEGY RAW Data Produced at KEK and sent to PNNL in the first fase and then to PNNL, Italy, Germany, Canada, Korea, India since 2021(2 full copies) MDST Produced at KEK and PNNL and sent to all sites up to 2020 then Produced at KEK, PNNL, Italy, Germany, Canada, Korea, India since 2021 and sent to all sites. (2 full copies) MC Data Produced by all sites and sent to all sites (2 full copies) Data Reprocessing Produced at PNNL and sent to all sites up to 2020 then Produced at PNNL, Italy, Germany, Canada, Korea, India since 2021 and sent to all sites(2 full copies) MC Reprocessing Produced by all Sites and sent to all sites (2 full copies) MC pre-DataTaking Produced by all Sites and sent to all sites(2 full copies) Skimming DataChallenge Produced at KEK and PNNL then sent to all sites in 2018 Analysis Chaotic

<0,5Gbps ~7Gbps ~7Gbps ~4Gbps <0.5Gbps <0,5Gbps <0,5Gbps <0,5Gbps

12 Network Update at KEK Schedule

13 March 2016 - SINET5 migration
SINET Tokyo-London : 20G SINET Tokyo-LA : 100G SINET Tokyo-MANLAN : 10G VRF Osaka Tokyo Y. Kubota (NII) vs 100 ms Latency (ms)



16 Manage Interoperability with DIRAC

17 Belle II Distributed Computing system and
services in use

18 The infrastructure managed with Dirac
17 Countries Involved in the last MC production ~40 Site/Cluster with multiple access interfaces (i.e. Grid, Cloud) 27 Storage Elements for ~ 2PB of reserved Storage In the 5th MC production ( ) ~ 25K Jobs constantly running ~ 50K data transfer jobs for days 353 Scheduled Shifts

19 Monitoring Tools DIRAC Web Portal Ganglia Happy Face FTS Dashboard

20 The 5° MonteCarlo Production


22 File Read protocols The Belle II software for simulation and analysis (basf2) is based on the standard ROOT I/O library. Moreover Belle II analysis model is not totally in the “jobs go to data” paradigm, but, jobs may access “remote data” So we have a set of possible backend protocols (supported by ROOT): file – for the files downloaded on the WN (or access with NFS to some local SE) xrootd – direct access to the files on SE, (local or remote) http – direct access to the files on SE, (local or remote)

23 R&D Activities Study and overcome issues relate the usage of HTTP/WEBDAV with the Belle II Software for simulation and analysis Basf2. Configure and tune the HTTP/WEBDAV interface on Grid Storages. Implement a first example of http federation for Belle II with dynafed software. Test federation with dynafed component Learn more about this topic. The work is ongoing with the precious support of several sites of Belle II collaboration, and with the teams of DPM, dCache and SToRM.

24 Basf2 with Davix support
The Belle II software for simulation and analysis is based on the standard ROOT I/O library Since the release build distributed to each sites via CVMFS, basf2 supports natively http/webdav thanks to the introduction of TDavixFile.h library. …… filelistSIG=[' inputMdstList(filelistSIG)

25 The testbed infrastructure
STORGE DIRAC NAME HOSTNAME TYPE DESY-DE DCACHE GRIDKA-SE f NTU-SE SIGNET-SE UVic-SE Adelaide-SE DPM CESNET-SE CYFRONNET-SE Frascati-SE HEPHY-SE Melbourne-SE Napoli-SE CNAF-SE ds STORM McGill-SE In January 2016 we started the investigation to verify http/webdav performances At now 14 Storages of the 23 SRM endpoints registered in DIRAC have activated the webdav interface. 3 different storages technologies represented dCache, DPM, STORM

26 Dynamic Federations The Dynamic Federations system allows to aggregate remote storage. The aggregation is performed on the fly, by distributing quick WebDAV queries towards the endpoints and scheduling, aggregating and caching the responses. HTTP and WebDAV clients can browse the Dynamic Federation as if it were a unique partially cached name space, which is able to redirect them to the right host when they ask for a file replica. Dynamic Federations is based on a open source project that allows to aggregate storages, that expose different protocols: HTTP/WebDAV, Cloud S3, moreover the system is generic enough to support others, if a suitable frontend exists. Currently we have multiple example of aggregated storage on a server at desy LHCB testbed (14 storages) ATLAS testbed (~50 storages)

27 DYNAFED Server in Napoli
Aggregate view of all the storages PerSiteView that shows the file system of each storage

28 Performance Tests Software used: bsaf2 Skim used:
6 different tests done analysing 1 single file (1000 events, size 10MB) Local input (download via http) Local input (download via xrootd) Local input (download via lcg-cp) Input via http streaming Input via xrootd streaming Dynafed access 5 trials for each test Test are performed from Grid WorkerNodes in different sites vs All the storage of type DPM and dCache, while storage running STORM are still in evaluation. WN Site X WN Site Y Storage-A Storage-B Storage-N

29 Analysis 1. File download with Http, Xrootd and Lcg-cp
Description File download performances in function of the latency from the two different Sites. Comments http, xrootd performs quite similar and in all cases performs better than lcg-cp through srm interface Average time from CLIENT (DESY) Average time from CLIENT (RECAS-NAPOLI)

30 Analysis 2. Http vs Xrootd Streaming
Description File streaming performances in function of technologies and latency (McGILL case study) Comments In case of DPM Storages the two protocols performs quite similar in most cases. DPM Storages

31 Conclusions Belle II Computing model is design to address distributed resources with multiple access paradigms. MC Campaigns have demonstrated that we are able to deal with resources heterogeneous thanks to the DIRAC framework. Next challenge will be manage even larger production that will start in November. There are several activities on going: Resource Estimation, Framework Optimization, R&D in interaction with key working groups i.e. WLCG, LHCONE, HTTPTF

32 Thank you!

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