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Unit 2 - Is it fair Assessment

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1 Unit 2 - Is it fair Assessment
Unit 2 - Is it fair Assessment? Revision Aim: to practice revision strategies for Unit 2 – Is it fair Assessment Topics What is fair ? Hindu and Christian teachings on Prejudice and Discrimination Injustice and Equality Racism, Sexism Wealth and Poverty Religious (individuals and organisations) responses to discrimination and wealth (Hinduism and Christianity) Media and Social Responsibility

2 Look at the card you have been given define this key concept without using the word Swap concepts and repeat with someone else Five minutes

3 Wealth

4 Injustice

5 Racism

6 Equality

7 Sexism

8 Authority

9 Social Responsibility

10 Identity

11 Need

12 Prejudice

13 Want

14 Discrimination

15 Look at the Keyword you have been given note down how this links to Christian or Hindu teachings within this unit Step 1: “ Christians believe that discrimination is wrong because…” Step 2: Listen to your partners answer and then give the another teaching Step 3: “Hindus believe that discrimination is wrong because…” Step 4: Listen to your partners answer Step 5: Swap keywords and repeat with someone else. Five minutes

16 Unit 2 – Is It Fair? Keywords Wealth Injustice Racism Equality Sexism
Authority Social Responsibility Identity Need Prejudice Want Discrimination What makes something fair? What can people do to protest against injustice? Unit 2 – Is It Fair? Hindu examples of helping others: Christian example of helping others: How have they helped? How have they helped? Religious teachings on prejudice and discrimination What Christian teachings about equality have inspired this? Religious teachings on the use of wealth What Hindu teachings about equality have inspired this?

17 Unit 2 – Is It Fair? Keywords Wealth Injustice Racism Equality Sexism
Authority Social Responsibility Identity Need Prejudice Want Discrimination What makes something fair? What can people do to protest against injustice? Unit 2 – Is It Fair? Hindu examples of helping others: Christian example of helping others: How have they helped? How have they helped? Religious teachings on prejudice and discrimination What Christian teachings about equality have inspired this? Religious teachings on the use of wealth What Hindu teachings about equality have inspired this?

18 Homework revise for your Assessment Tuesday 11th Period 4 – TAA

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