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Grants at Hampden-Sydney

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1 Grants at Hampden-Sydney

2 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Why “Position for Award?” Our current average return rate is about 50% We have a very active grants community that is also resilient Persistent “declines” also lead to frustration Persistent declines may indicate that we need to review our approach, our target grantors, our priorities, and our grantor relationships

3 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Three opportunities to best position our requests: Pre-Proposal Proposal Process Post-Award

4 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Pre-Proposal Considerations 1. Grantor Is this the right grantor for this request? Is this the right time for this grantor? What may be the impact to existing giving relationships? 2. Foundation What institutional planning supports your request? Your “problem statement” must not only make the case, but resonate with that grantor 3. Relationship Use available opportunities to build grantor relationship Take advantage of any offers for early review

5 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Pre-Proposal Considerations Summary Be prepared to not only talk about Hampden-Sydney, but to talk about accomplishments and plans of our own that relate to/are foundational to the Grantor’s interests. (Address the WHY) Don’t tell different stories to different grantors: “Staff often know each other and have informal relationships.” (Dennis Alexander, Texas Christian U) Remember that each proposal “markets” Hampden-Sydney College.

6 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Proposal Process 1. Approach Are you addressing the Grantor’s priorities, not just your own? Are you creative and flexible in defining your objectives? Divide large projects into bite-sized pieces, where possible 2. Goals Goals for research projects are very different than those for programmatic projects Position your project goals so that they respond to the Grantor’s priorities 3. Project Understand full project requirements before you undertake a proposal 4. Deadlines Plan your process so that you submit well in advance of deadline 5. Approvals Involve key on-campus constituencies as you develop the proposal

7 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Proposal Process Summary Build your timeline at the beginning of proposal development so that you may address key considerations, both with the grantor and internally Allow time for reviews Widely and frequently communicate “Most of us know each other formally or informally, at least in the region. We want to see the money used in the best way.” (Amy Nisenson, The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation)

8 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Post-Award 1. Stewardship Communicate with the Grantor (starting with “Thank You” ) Discuss questions/ask for guidance before amending the game plan Send anecdotal updates of interest or achievement of milestones 2. Grants Management Implement according to plan Report on time, every time Monitor use of funds in partnership with the Business Office 3. Closeout Evaluate and Assess with clarity Disseminate outcomes/findings to Grantor, campus community and external parties 4. Leverage Nearly all grants build a platform that helps us leap to the next grant/donor-funded project

9 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Your Grants Office is Your Partner 1. Help identify the right grantor 2. Help open the door/build grantor relationship 3. Link your project to institutional priorities 4. Link your project to internal collaborations 5. Provide vetted content to support proposal 6. Assist with electronic submissions 7. Conduit for internal reviews/approvals 8. Assist with project management/amendments/closeout

10 Grants at Hampden-Sydney
Summary: Key Attributes Communication/Relationship-Building Logical Progression based on Due Diligence Accountability Stewardship Successfully “Positioned for Award”

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