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The Spanish Alphabet “El abecedario”.

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Presentation on theme: "The Spanish Alphabet “El abecedario”."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spanish Alphabet “El abecedario”

2 Some notes on the Spanish alphabet…
In English, sometimes vowels take on different pronunciations Pronounce the following words: naked, baked water, later roaring, pouring In Spanish, % of the time, vowels keep the same pronunciation, making it very easy to pronounce the word if you know how each letter is pronounced

3 Aa [ah]

4 Bb [be]

5 Cc [se]

6 Ch [che]

7 Dd [de]

8 Ee [e]

9 Ff [effe]

10 Gg [he]

11 Hh [ah-che]

12 Ii [eee]

13 Jj [hota]

14 Kk [kah]

15 Ll [ele]

16 ll [elle]

17 Mm [emm-eh]

18 Nn [enn-eh]

19 ñ [eñe]

20 Oo [oh]

21 Pp [peh]

22 Qq [kuu]

23 Rr [ere]

24 rr [errrrrre] (roll tongue)

25 Ss [ese]

26 Tt [te]

27 Uu [oo]

28 Vv [ve]

29 Ww [doblay ve]

30 Xx [eh-kees]

31 Yy [i-gree-e-gah]

32 Zz [zeta]

33 ¡Que Bueno! You are now a master of the abecedario…

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