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Our OESOPHAGUS (: By : Brina Erh Kong Xinni Eunice Leong Low Hui Ping

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Presentation on theme: "Our OESOPHAGUS (: By : Brina Erh Kong Xinni Eunice Leong Low Hui Ping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our OESOPHAGUS (: By : Brina Erh Kong Xinni Eunice Leong Low Hui Ping
Peh Yan Ping

2 What is it ? Did you know ? (:
OESOPHAGUS /food pipe /gullet.  -the muscular tube that carries food from your mouth (pharynx) to your stomach. - it lies between the windpipe (trachea) and spinal cord. -part of the digestive system. Did you know ? (: the length of our oesophagus is around 25-30cm long for most adults .

3 How does the food move down ?
Peristalsis – which is the wave-like movement of muscles contracting and relaxing . -lined with mucous membrane ; - deeply lined with muscle that acts with peristaltic action ( to move swallowed food down to the stomach.)‏ Did you know ? Gravity plays a part too ; but what how do bats swallow the food while hanging upside down ?

4 Heart burn D: a.k.a. reflux oesophagitis. Symptoms : burning sensations and belching . -discomfort or pain caused by the stomach contents travelling upwards and up our oesophagus -not made to withstand acid -is irritated and inflamed (when acid from the stomach travels up into it.)‏ Valve ( cardiac sphincter )‏ - keeps the stomach contents from coming back up is faulty . -thus the acid escapes and causes heart burn

5 Did you know ? (: heart burn has nothing to do with the heart at all . -digestive problem -related to our meals and posture -most people suffer from it one time or another in their lifetime

6 Cancer of oesophagus ):
-result of cell changes in the lining of the oesophagus two main types of cancer of the oesophagus: squamous carcinoma ; -common at the upper end of the gullet adenocarcinoma; -more common at the lower end, (particularly around the junction between the gullet and the stomach.)‏ Often caused by – drinking and smoking . Due to diets as well .

7 -an increased risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus
Barrett's oesophagus -the lining of the gullet changes to being more like the lining of the stomach. -an increased risk of developing cancer of the oesophagus -often leads to heartburns . Symptoms : -difficulty in swallowing -pain felt between the shoulder blades -regurgitating unaltered food a few minutes after having difficulty swallowing the food. heartburn, vomiting, and vomiting of blood

8 Why is it SOOO important ? (:
Without it ; how can you even pass food down to the stomach ? Thus the whole digestion process won't even work . So it is important ! (: (It's that simple.)‏

9 Summary (: Key terms Oesophagus – (e -so-pha-gus)‏
-the muscular tube that carries food from your mouth (pharynx) to your stomach. Peristalsis - which is the wave-like movement of muscles contracting and relaxing Cancer of oesophagus result of cell changes in the lining of the oesophagus Heartburn -discomfort or pain caused by the stomach contents travelling upwards and up our oesophagus Our digestive system is unable to work unless the functioning of all parts . Thus ; oesophagus is equally important in the digestive system ! (:

10 Thanks (:

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