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Jesus Last Seder Meal Matthew 26: 17-30.

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1 Jesus Last Seder Meal Matthew 26: 17-30

2 Jesus Last Seder meal Matt. 26: 17-30
Jesus gave up his life for us willingly. The night before Passover began at sundown. The Seder meal had 4 cups, 3 loaves of unleavened matzah bread, bitter herbs and vegetables, sweet brown fruit and nut paste, and a boiled egg- no ordinary meal. “My time is near” is ambiguous, original means ‘my decisive moment’ is coming soon!

3 Jesus Last Seder meal Matt. 26: 17-30
Jesus interrupts tradition with prediction of v. 21. V. 25 is only is Matthew’s gospel, Jesus reply is more like ‘You said it!’ or ‘Your words, not mine.’ Jesus words “This, my body”, “This, my blood”. 4 Cups were promises of Exodus 6:6-7, “I will… “Bring out… deliver… redeem…take” This starts Jeremiah’s new covenant (31:31)

4 Jesus Last Seder meal Matt. 26: 17-30
V 29 anticipates Jesus’ departure and his return. Matthew gives us two key reasons for the sacrament, one looks back, the other, forward. Everything Jesus taught/did soon reaches climax no one expected. Jesus turned that Seder meal into a permanent reminder of all he said and did for us and spiritual nourishment till he comes again!

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