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The People Of The Northwest Coast

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1 The People Of The Northwest Coast
Haida & Salish By: Austin Ahmed Yaruk

2 Houses of Northwest Coast
- Plank houses are built from cedar, cedar is the best wood because it slowly rots or decays in wet weathers - Rectangular - Inside each house there were divisions for private space - Had large fire pits in the middle - Can fit up to people in one Plank house

3 Subsistence/food Food was easy to find because it was near the Pacific Ocean Salmon was the main food source The Pacific Ocean provided halibut, cod and smelt Lower mainland, British Columbia was one of the richest areas for animals and plant life on the entire Northwest coast At late summer is the period when major salmon takes place on the Fraser River Whale was a common food among the Coast Salish Deer, Bear, Elk, and ducks were also hunted for food

4 Clothing The Haida men wore big coats and blankets while doing ceremonial dances These outfits were hand made by the women of the tribe crafted with many colours as you can see in this black and white picture

5 Religion - Spirit power remains an important part of Coast Salish life. The Salish believes the spirits can be contacted through dreams and visions the Salish keep these visions private. The Salish believes all living things have spirits this make the Salish very respectful people. In Northwest Coast culture, their customs, beliefs, and history were passed down orally through stories, songs, and dances.

6 Salish Cultured Artefacts
-Salish people are known for their great craftsmanship carving -After a shape is carved, fish oil was rubbed over it to give it a shine -Handcrafted objects were often given as gifts or traded for other goods -drumming is an important part of Salish culture

7 Weapons and Tools!

8 Social Organization and Kinship
If your parents or ancestors are slaves you will become a slave also All groups/clans have different rankings in society A nobles depended on the ability to manage resources

9 Leadership and Government
You can become a chief if your ancestors were chiefs before you. Villages had chiefs and nobles who had power over others Leaders dress with bright colours and big hats for ceremonies

10 Habitat The Northwest Coastal Indians live in what is now Alaska. This was a rugged strip of land with many small islands, deep inlets, and narrow beaches. The mountains rise to the shore in many places. Thick forests of spruce, cedar, and fir cover most of the area making an endless supply of wood. Many rivers and streams cross the land.

11 Directed and Produced By
Credits/Resources Directed and Produced By Austin Barbor Ahmed Hassoun Yaruk Ali Resources – Canadian aboriginal art & culture: Haida Northwest coast(Book from library)

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