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Gastrointestinal system
Xiang-Yao LI, PhD Department of Physiology Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Phases of gastrointestinal control
Cephalic phase Gastric phase Intestinal phase
Efferent fibers Secretin, CCK, GIP
Factors: Distension, acidity, AA, peptides Factors: Distension, Acidity, Osmolarity, digestive products Secretin, CCK, GIP
Digestion in the stomach
Difficult to see food bolus (raw liver
Difficult to see food bolus (raw liver?)– can a brighter color be used (blueberry yogurt)? The swallowing reflex is coordinated by the medulla oblongata, which stimulates the appropriate sequence of contraction and relaxation in the participating skeletal muscle, sphincters, and smooth muscle groups.
The coordinated sequence of contraction and relaxation in the upper esophageal sphincter, the esophagus, and the lower esophageal sphincter is necessary to deliver swallowed food to the stomach.
Digestion in the stomach
fluid, enzyme precursors, hydrochloric acid, and hormones.
Specialized cells in the stomach synthesize and secrete mucous fluid, enzyme precursors, hydrochloric acid, and hormones. Note esophageal sphincter correction. The abundant smooth muscle in the stomach is responsible for gastric motility.
Gastric juice Properties Major components Role of HCl pH 0.9~1.5
1.5~2.5 L/day Major components Hydrochloric acid (>150mM, parietal cells) Pepsinogen Mucus Intrinsic factor Role of HCl Acid sterilization Activation of pepsinogen Promotion of secretin secretion Assisted effect of iron and calcium absorption
Mechanism of HCl secretion
Active transport Huge H+ gradient (3 million) active transport
One inhibitory and three stimulatory signals that alter acid secretion by parietal cells in the stomach.
Pepsinogen MW: 42,500 Secreted by the chief cells as an inactive precursor of pepsin Activated in the stomach, initially by H+ ions and then by active pepsin, autocatalytic activation Active pepsin (MW: 35,000) an endopeptidase, which attacks peptide bonds in the interior of large protein molecules
The acidity in the gastric lumen converts the protease precursor pepsinogen to pepsin; subsequent conversions occur quickly as a result of pepsin’s protease activity.
Mucus Secreted by the epithelial cells Role
Gastric pit Secreted by the epithelial cells Role Lubrication of the mucosal surface Protection of the tissue from mechanical damage by food particles
Mucus-HCO3- barrier
Secretion of other enzymes
Intrinsic factor A high molecular weight glycoprotein, synthesized and secreted by the parietal cells The intrinsic factor binds to Vit B12 and facilitates its absorption Secretion of other enzymes Gastric lipase Gastric amylase Gelatinase
Regulation of gastric secretion
Basic factors that stimulate gastric secretion Acetylcholine (+ all secretory cells) Gastrin (+ parietal cells) Histamine (+ parietal cells)
Regulation of gastric secretion
Nervous regulation ‘Short’ reflex pathways ‘Short’ excitatory reflexes: mediated by cholinergic neurons in the plexuses ‘Short’ inhibitory reflexes: mediated by non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) neurons Long’ autonomic pathways ‘Long’ excitatory reflexes: parasympathetic ‘Long’ inhibitory pathways: sympathetic
Regulation of gastric secretion
Humoral regulation Excitatory ACh Histamine Gastrin Inhibitory Somatostatin Secretin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) Prostaglandin
Inhibition of gastric secretion
The functional purpose of the inhibition of gastric secretion by intestinal factors is presumably to slow the release of chyme from the stomach when the small intestine is already filled or overactive
Inhibition of gastric secretion
Reverse enterogastric reflex: initiated by the presence of food in the small intestine Secretin secretion: stimulated by the presence of acid, fat, protein breakdown products, hyperosmotic or hypo-osmotic fluids, or any irritating factors in the upper small intestine
Delivery of acid and nutrients into the small intestine initiates signaling that slows gastric motility and secretion which allows adequate time for digestion and absorption in the duodenum.
Motor function of the stomach
Proximal stomach cardia fundus corpus (body) Distal stomach antrum pylorus pyloric sphincter
Waves of smooth muscle contraction mix and propel the
ingested contents of the gastric lumen, but only a small amount of the material enters the small intestine (duodenum) as a result of each wave cycle.
Motor function of the stomach
Receptive relaxation Storage function (1.0~1.5 L) Vago-vagal reflex Peristalsis BER in the stomach
Contractions in the empty stomach
Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) Periodic waves of contraction, which move along the gastrointestinal tract from stomach to colon Purpose of this activity: to ‘sweep’ debris out of the digestive tract during the interdigestive period MMCs can lead to hunger contractions, which are associated with discomfort, referred to as ‘hunger pains’
Emptying of the stomach
Emptying rate Fluid > viscous Small particle > large particle Isosmotic > hyper- & hypo-osmotic Carbohydrates > Protein > Fat Regular meal 4~6 hrs
Regulation of stomach emptying
Gastric factors that promote emptying Gastric food volume Gastrin Duodenal factors that inhibit stomach emptying Enterogastric nervous reflexes Fat Cholecystokinin
Pancreatic secretion
Pancreatic juice pH 7.8~8.4 ~1500 ml/day Isosmotic Components:
Pancreatic digestive enzymes: secreted by pancreatic acini Sodium bicarbonate: secreted by small ductules and larger ducts
Secretion of bicarbonate ions
Secreted by the epithelial cells of the ductules and ducts that lead from acini Up to 145mmol/L in pancreatic juice (5 times that in the plasma) Neutralizing acid entering the duodenum from the stomach
Pancreatic acinar cell secretory products
Zymogens Function Trypsinogens Digestion Chymotrypsinogen Proelastase Proprotease E Procarboxypeptidase A Procarboxypeptidase B ACTIVE ENZYMES α-Amylase Carboxyl ester lipase Lipase RNAase DNAase Colipase
OTHERS Trypsin inhibitor Blockade of trypsin activity Lithostathine
Possible prevention of stone formation; constituent of protein plugs GP2 Endocytosis?; formation of protein plugs Pancreatitis-associated protein Bacteriostasis? Na , Cl , H2O Hydration of secretions Ca ?
Secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes
Carbohydrates -- Pancreatic amylase Pancreatic lipase Fat Cholesterol esterase Phospholipase Trypsinogen Proteins Chymotrypsinogen Procarboxypolypeptidase Proelastase
Trypsin Inhibitor Inhibits the activity of trypsin and thus guards against the possible activation of trypsin and the subsequent autodigestion of the pancreas
Regulation of pancreatic secretion
Basic stimuli that cause pancreatic secretion Ach Cholecystokinin: Secreted by I cells Stimulates the acinar cells to secrete large amounts of enzymes Secretin: Released by S cells Acts primarily on the duct cells to stimulate the secretion of a large volume of solution with a high HCO3- concentration
Regulation of pancreatic secretion
Phases of pancreatic secretion: A meal triggers cephalic, gastric, and intestinal phases of pancreatic secretion Cephalic Phase Gastric Phase Intestinal Phase
The three phases of pancreatic secretion
Stimulant Regulatory Pathway Percentage of Maximum Enzyme Secretion Cephalic Sight Smell Taste Mastication Vagal pathways 25% Gastric Distention Gastrin? Vagal-cholinergic 10%-20% Intestinal Amino acids Fatty acids H+ Cholecystokinin Secretin Enteropancreatic reflexes 50%-80%
Mechanisms that protect the acinar cell from autodigestion
Protective Factor Mechanism Packaging of many digestive proteins as zymogens Precursor proteins lack enzymatic activity Selective sorting of secretory proteins and storage in zymogen granules Restricts the interaction of secretory proteins with other cellular compartments Protease inhibitors in the zymogen granule Block the action of prematurely activated enzymes Condensation of secretory proteins at low pH Limits the activity of active enzymes Nondigestive proteases Degrade active enzymes
Acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis is sudden swelling and inflammation of the pancreas The symptomatology and complications of acute pancreatitis are caused by autodigestion (resulting from the leakage of pancreatic enzymes) of the pancreas and surrounding tissue It is commonly due to biliary tract disease, complications of heavy alcohol use, or idiopathic causes Mortality rates range from below 10% to more than 50%, depending on severity
Bile secretion
Bile is stored and concentrated in the gall bladder during the interdigestive period
Composition of bile HCO3- Bile salts Phospholipids Cholesterol
Bile pigments (include: bilirubin) …
Synthesis of bile acids
Jaundice Jaundice is the most visible manifestation of an underlying hepatic and/or biliary tract disease. This is a yellow discoloration of the skin, sclerae, and mucous membranes that occurs secondary to elevated serum bilirubin in adults. Jaundice is usually not clinically apparent until the serum bilirubin concentration is >2.5mg/dL.
Functions of bile Emulsifying or detergent function of bile salts
Bile salts help in the absorption of: Fatty acid Monoglycerides Cholesterol Other lipids
Increasing bile synthesis & secretion
Regulation of bile secretion
Substances increasing bile production Bile salts (Enterohepatic circulation of the bile) Secretin: stimulating H2O and HCO3- secretion from the duct cells Substance inhibiting bile production Somatostatin
Contraction of the gall bladder
Substances causing gall bladder contraction ACh CCK Gastrin
Small intestine
Small intestinal juices
Secreted by: Brunners glands Crypts of Lieberkuhn 1~3 L/day pH 7.6 Isosmotic Components H2O Electrolytes (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-) Mucus IgA Enterokinase
Small intestinal juices
Function: Completing the digestion of peptides, carbohydrates & fat Secretion by intestinal glands is mainly due to the local effects of chyme in the intestine and is regulated by both neural and hormonal factors
Movement of small intestine during digestion
Tonic contraction: maintaining a basal state of intestinal smooth muscle contraction Segmentation: consisting of the alternate contraction and relaxation of adjacent bands of circular smooth muscle Peristalsis: a ring of muscle contraction appears on the oral side of a bolus of ingesta and moves toward the anus, propelling the contents of the lumen in that direction; as the ring moves, the muscle on the other side of the distended area relaxes, facilitating smooth passage of the bolus
Migrating motor complex (MMC)
Local areas of peristaltic contraction Present in the interdigestive period and disappear when feeding begins Sweeping material (undigested food residues, dead mucosal cells, bacteria) into the colon and keeping the small intestine clean Regulated by autonomic nerves and by the release of motilin
Contractions at three loci in the small bowel
Contractions at three loci in the small bowel. Note that at each locus, phases of no or intermittent contractions are followed by a phase of continuous contractions that ends abruptly. Also note that the phase of continuous contractions appears to migrate aborally along the bowel. Such a pattern is called the migrating motor complex (MMC). min, minute; mm Hg, millimeters of mercury
Regulation of intestinal motility
Autoregulation: Regulated by BER Neural Reflexes: mainly by ‘short’ reflexes in the intrinsic plexuses which are responsible for peristalsis and segmentation also by extrinsic nerves (sympathetic & vagal nerves) which mediate ‘long’ reflexes Hormonal control: Gastrin, CCK, motilin, 5-HT (+) Secretin, VIP, glucagon (-)
Large intestine
Function of large intestine
The principle functions of the colon: Absorption of water and electrolytes from the chyme to form solid feces Storage of fecal matter until it can be expelled Digestion in large intestine: very limited Bacteria: vitamin B, K
Motility of the colon Haustration: mixing movement
Mass movement: propulsive movement Segmentation
A normal colon, with the typical haustration
Two mass movements. A, Appearance of the colon before the entry of barium sulfate. B, As the barium enters from the ileum, it is acted on by haustral contractions. C, As more barium enters, a portion is swept into and through an area of the colon that has lost its haustral markings. D, The barium is acted on by the returning haustral contractions. E, A second mass movement propels the barium into and through areas of the transverse and descending colon. F, Haustrations again return. This type of contraction accomplishes most of the movement of feces through the colon
General mechanisms of digestion and absorption
Sites of nutrient absorption
Major gastrointestinal diseases and nutritional deficiencies
Organ Site of Predominant Disease Defects in Nutrient Digestion/Absorption Celiac sprue Duodenum and jejunum Fat absorption, lactose hydrolysis Chronic pancreatitis Exocrine pancreas Fat digestion Surgical resection of ileum; Crohn disease of ileum Ileum Cobalamin and bile acid absorption Primary lactase deficiency Small intestine Lactose hydrolysis
Summary General properties of GI Stomach Pancrea
Small and large intestine Absorption
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