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6/30/2018 doc.: IEEE DCN xxxxr0 4th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC) DRAFT Meeting Plan and Officers Reports Date: 2012-03-27.

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Presentation on theme: "6/30/2018 doc.: IEEE DCN xxxxr0 4th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC) DRAFT Meeting Plan and Officers Reports Date: 2012-03-27."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/30/2018 doc.: IEEE DCN xxxxr0 4th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC) DRAFT Meeting Plan and Officers Reports Date: Authors: Yohannes Alemseged (NICT) Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

2 6/30/2018 doc.: IEEE DCN xxxxr0 Abstract This presentation is the agenda and officers reports for the plenary sessions of the 4th general meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC taking place the week of March 26-29, 2012. Yohannes Alemseged (NICT) Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

3 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform
All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants: “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder may have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2 Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

4 Patent Related Links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

5 Call for Potentially Essential Patents
If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

6 Other Documents and WebPages to Review
Please review the documents at the following links: -  IEEE Patent Policy -  -  Patent FAQ -  -  LoA Form -  -  Affiliation FAQ - -  Anti-Trust FAQ -  -  Ethics -  Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

7 IEEE DySPAN-SC Plenary Meeting Agenda
Tuesday March 27 AM2 –opening Opening Business 1.1 Roll call 1.2 Approval of the agenda 1.3 Approval of minutes for Dec 12-14, 2011 meeting held at Scottsdale, AZ Reports of Officers 2.1 Secretary 2.1.1 Current DySPAN-SC officers 2.1.2 Current DySPAN-SC membership 2.1.3 DySPAN-SC website, Mentor facility web teleconference tool 2.2 Treasurer 2.2.1 Annual and year to date report Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

8 IEEE DySPAN-SC Plenary Meeting Agenda
2.2.2 Meeting financials 2.2.3 WG Finance Availabilities 3. Reports from WG chairs 3.1 Status of P1900.1 3.2 Status of P1900.4 3.3 Status of P1900.5 3.4 Status of P1900.6 3.5 Status of P1900.7 4. Administrative items 4.1 IEEE DySPAN-SC default P&P Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

9 IEEE DySPAN-SC Plenary Meeting Agenda
Thursday March 29 AM2- closing 4.2 Report and way forward on the DSA VE ad hoc activity 5. Wrap-up report from WG chairs 6. Meeting planning 7. Any Other Business Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

10 1. Opening Business Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

11 1.1 Roll call Meeting participants should announce their affiliation and employer Total members in the roster 31 Participants Number Remark Members Those who have voting right those who have no voting right Total Quorum Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

12 1.2 Approval of the agenda Motion: Approve the agenda of the 4th general meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC, DCN sc MTNG Moved by: Seconded by: Discussion: Motion approval: yes=, no=, abstain= Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

13 1.3 Approval of previous meeting minutes
Motion: Approve the minutes of the 3rd general meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC (DCN SC MINS) held at Scottsdale, Dec 12-14, 2011 Moved by: Seconded by: Discussions: Motion approval: Yes=, No=, Abstain= Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

14 Reports of Officers Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

15 2.1 Secretary’s report 2.1.1 Current Officers of DySPAN-SC
Hiroshi Harada – Chair Max Riegel – Vice-Chair Yohannes Alemseged – Secretary Oliver Holland – Treasurer Lisa Perry   –  IEEE SA liaison Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

16 2.1.2 IEEE DySPAN-SC membership
Current voting members: 31 Distribution by region Distribution by type Interest shown on my project: 78 participants Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

17 2.1.3 DySPAN-SC website, Mentor facility web teleconference tool
The official DySPAN-SC website is available at DySPAN-SC mentor is available at , Calendar, Document management To receive , participants are required to show interest in DySPAN-SC on my project GoToMeeting teleconference tool is available to run WG business and montly DySPAN-SC leadership meeting. Yohannes Alemseged (NICT) December 2011

18 2.2 Treasurer’s Report See treasurer report at the following URL
Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

19 3. Progress reports of WGs
Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

20 3. Reports of P1900.x WGs 3.1 Status report of P Status report of P Status report of P Status report of P Status report of P1900.7 Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

21 4. Administrative items Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

22 4.1 Draft DySPAN-SC Default P&P
Status report of DySPAN-SC default P&P ad hoc: sc-wg-p-p-drafting-ad-hoc-group-progress-report ppt Draft DySPAN-SC default P&P: sc/dcn/11/sc PnPs-draft-dyspan-sc-individual-wg-p-ps.doc Motion: Approve the draft DySPAN-SC default P&P to serve as the default P&P of DySPAN-SC, DCN sc Moved by: Seconded by: Discussion: Result: Yes=, No=, Abstain= Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

23 4.3 Report and way forward on the DSA VE ad hoc activity
Dynamic Spectrum Access for Vehicular Communications Initiated by Bernd Bochow and Straw poll support from DySPAN-SC to establish an ad hoc DSA VE ad hoc established by DySPAN-SC chair Strawpoll held in Brussels meeting: Are you interested to establish an Ad-Hoc group lead by Bernd Bochow, aimed at identifying the direction and the need to create a PAR, until the December IEEE DySPAN-SC 3rd general meeting, for “Dynamic Spectrum Access for Vehicular Communications” considering the existing standards? DSA-VE Progress Report: DCN x-00 Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

24 5. Wrap-up WG reports Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

25 5. Wrap-up Reports 5.1P P P P P1900.7 Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

26 6. Meeting Planning Next DySPAN-SC general meetings
The actual dates for June meeting is required to be decided in this meeting, reservation is being made from June 25-29 Meeting Meeting Place Host Date June, 2012 Grenoble, France CEA, LETI June 25-29 December, 2013 Washington DC, USA WInn Forum Jan 7- 10, 2012 Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

27 7. AOB Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

28 References Yohannes Alemseged (NICT)

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