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What are hadrons made of? Seoul National University

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1 What are hadrons made of? Seoul National University
Stephen L. Olsen Seoul National University

2 Some Background

3 1963 “stable” hadrons meson resonances baryon resonances “flavors”
X S L N X* K* K Y* w p r m e K2* D “flavors” Two “classes” of hadrons “non-strange:” n, p, p, r, … “strange:” L, S, K, K*, …

4 1st attempts at Classification
With the discovery of new unstable particles (L, k) a new quantum number was invented: Þ strangeness Gell-Mann, Nakano, Nishijima realized that electric charge (Q) of all particles could be related to isospin (3rd component), Baryon number (B) and Strangeness (S): Q = I3 +(S + B)/2= I3 +Y/2 hypercharge (Y) = (S+B) Meson “octet” all have same JP=0- Interesting patterns emerge when I3 is plotted vs. Y Y I3 4

5 Vector mesons also form an octet
JP=1- K*0 K*+ r- w r0 r+ f _ K*- K*0 Y I3

6 Baryons are in octets & decuplets
? Y missing in 1961 I3

7 1961: Gell-Mann, Nishijima & Nee’man: “The Eightfold Way”
The Eightfold Way appears in the Buddhist teaching: "This is the noble truth that leads to the cessation of pain. This is the noble eightfold way."

8 Octets (and decuplets) are representations
of the SU(3) Lie group: SU(2) group: Angular Momentum in QM SU(3) group: Generalization of SU(2) Gell-Mann Matrices Pauli Matrices Representations: Representations: Spin=1/2 Spin=1 octets decuplets

9 SU(3) prediction for the W- mass
Gell-Mann Okubo mass formula JP=3/2+ M=1232 MeV D ≈ 153 MeV M=1385 MeV D ≈ 148 MeV M=1533 MeV ? M≈ MeV = 1683 MeV

10 1965: W- discovery 1965: the W- was discovered at
the Brookhaven Lab in NY. USA with S=-3 & M = 1672 MeV, very near the Gell-Mann-Okubo prediction

11 1964: triplet = the most fundamental representation of SU(3)
B = 1/3 Y=+1 n-1/3 p-2/3 Y=+1/3 Y=0 l-1/3 Y=-2/3 Y=-1 Fractional charges!! Q =-1/3 Q =+2/3 Y=-2 Quarks Gell-Mann Aces Zwieg

12 Original Quark Model Λ= (uds)
1964 The model was proposed independently by Gell-Mann and Zweig Three fundamental building blocks 1960’s (p,n,l) Þ 1970’s (u,d,s) mesons are bound states of a of quark and anti-quark: Can make up "wave functions" by combining quarks: baryons are bound state of 3 quarks: proton = (uud), neutron = (udd), L= (uds) anti-baryons are bound states of 3 anti-quarks: Λ= (uds) 12

13 Make mesons from quark-antiquark
_ _ _ us ds s d _ u _ _ dd _ _ uu ud du u d _ ss s _ _ sd su _

14 Ground state mesons (today)
JP=0- JP=1- 498 494 892 896 K*0 K*+ 135 548 783 776 776 776 r- w r0 r+ 139 139 958 f 1020 _ 494 498 K*- K*0 896 892 (p+,p0,p-)=lightest (r+,r0,r-)=lightest nr=0 nr=0 S-wave S-wave

15 Adding 3 quarks8-tets & 10-plets
dud uud ddd uud dud uud sdd sud suu sdd sud suu sud ssd ssd ssu ssu sss

16 Ground state Baryons JP=1/2+ JP=3/2+ 939 938 M=1232 MeV 1115
1189 1197 1192 M=1533 MeV 1321 1315 M=1672 MeV JP=1/2+ JP=3/2+ all nr=0 all S-waves all nr=0 all S-waves 16

17 Are quarks real objects? or just mathematical mnemonics?
Are quarks actually real objects?" Gell-Mann asked. "My experimental friends are making a search for them in all sorts of places -- in high-energy cosmic ray reactions and elsewhere. A quark, being fractionally charged, cannot decay into anything but a fractionally charged object because of the conservation law of electric charge. Finally, you get to the lowest state that is fractionally charged, and it can't decay. So if real quarks exist, there is an absolutely stable quark. Therefore, if any were ever made, some are lying around the earth." But since no one has yet found a quark, Gell-Mann concluded that we must face the likelihood that quarks are not real.

18 1974: discovery of J/y and y’
stot(e+e-  hadrons) c c c c nr=0 M=3.097 GeV nr=1 M=3.686 GeV S-wave S-wave J/y & y’ interpreted as charmed-quark anticharmed-quark mesons

19 Charmonium mesons formed from c- and c-quarks c c r
c-quarks are heavy: mc ~ 1.5 GeV velocities small: v/c~1/4 non-relativistic, undergraduate-level QM applies

20 What is V(r)? c c r linear “confining” V(r) 2 parameters:
“Cornell” Potential r linear “confining” long distance component V(r) slope~1GeV/fm ~0.1 fm r 1/r “coulombic” short distance component 2 parameters: slope & intercept

21 Charmonium (cc) spectrum Positronium (e+e-)spectrum
_ y’ J/y

22 Run the accelerator here
J/y y’

23 P-wave Charmonium states
y’g X e+ y’ e- y’ Crystal Ball expt: Phys.Rev.D34:711,1986. Eg “smoking gun” evidence that quarks are real spin=1/2 objects J/y

24 What are hadrons made of?
Hadrons are made of quarks Three quarks  baryons quark-antiquarkmeson The discovery of the charmonium states convinced everyone that quarks are real Google hits for “quarks” = 1,760,000

25 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1969
"for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions"                          This classification of the elementary particles and their interaction discovered by Gell-Mann has turned out to applicable to all strongly interacting particles found later and these are practically all particles discovered after His discovery is therefore fundamental in elementary particle physics.

26 End of story?? Not so fast!!!! The end?

27 Problem with the quark model:
Violation of the spin-statistics theorem? s-1/3 s-1/3 s-1/3 W-=three s-quarks in the same quantum state

28 W- have different strong
The strong interaction “charge” of each quark comes in 3 different varieties Y. Nambu M.-Y. Han W- s-1/3 s-1/3 1 2 s-1/3 3 the 3 s-1/3 quarks in the W- have different strong charges & evade Pauli

29 Attractive configurations
Baryons: Mesons: eijk eiejek i ≠ j ≠ k i j i dij ei ej j k same as the rules for combining colors to get white: add 3 primary colors --or-- add color+complementary color quarks: eiejek  color charges antiquarks:  anticolor charges ei ej ek eijk eiejek dij ei ej “Quantum Chromo Dynamics” QCD

30 Are there other, “exotic” color-singlet spectroscopies?
Other possible “white” combinations of quarks & gluons: u u d d Pentaquark: H-dibaryon: e.g. an S=+1 baryon tightly bound 5-quark state 6-quark state Glueballs: gluon-gluon color singlet states Tetraquark mesons qq-gluon hybrid mesons s _ u u d s s d _ c u _ u c _ _ c c

31 Pentaquarks & the H-dibaryon

32 quark + quark  antiquark?
du diquark antitriplet _ 3 dd du ud uu d u d u ds us d u dd ud uu = = ds us su sd 6 s s s sd su ss _ 3  3 = 6  3 ss

33 Pentaquarks? 10 _   _ _ = 3 3 3 _ 8  __ Exotics Q+ _ N0 N+ du du s
D. Diakonov, V. Petrov, and M. Polyakov, Z. Phys. A 359 (1997) 305. R.Jaffe & F. Wilczek PRL 91, (2003) __ 10 Q+ S=+1 _ N0 N+ S=0 du du s S- S0 ---- S=-1 S+ _ _ _ = X-- X- X0 X+ 3 - S=-2 3 3 _ _ ds us ds us u u _ antitriplet antitriplet antitriplet N0 N+ S=0 8 S- S0 S+ -- S=-1 L0 X- X0 S=-2 See also: Y.S. Oh & H.C. Kim PRD 70, (2004) Prediction: M(X- -) ≈ 1750~1850 MeV X- - p-X very clean!! |  p-L0 33

34 Q+ Pentaquark at Spring-8?
Q+ decay modes: Q+  K+ n need to deal with the neutron Q+  K0 p cannot tag the strangeness gnK- K+n Q+ photo-production K+ Q+ S=+1 u+2/3 s+1//3 d-1/3 u+2/3 d-1/3 need a neutron target (1st experiment used 12C tgt) n

35 Results gnK- K+n CLAS-D (2005) gnK- K+n ??? Q+  K+ n ? Q+  K+ n ?
Width consistent with (11 MeV) resolution T.Nakano et al (LEPS) PRC 79, (2009) B.McKinnon et al (CLAS) PRL (2006)

36 X- - in NA49 Expt at CERN? L & X signals are very clean _ _
X-p- + X-p+ + X+p-+ X+p- M(Xp)5 = 1862±2 MeV G5<18 MeV S = 4.2s

37 No sign of X- - in CDF X*(1530)  X-p+
No peaks around M(Xp) = 1860 MeV/c2 for X-p+ and X-p-

38 Positive pentaquark sightings since 2003

39 Negative pentaquark sightings since 2003

40 “The story of pentaquark shows how poorly we understand QCD” – F
“The story of pentaquark shows how poorly we understand QCD” – F. Wilczek, 2005

41 Pentaquarks in a gluon-rich environment
less complicated than: (1S) anti-deuteron + X (1S)X- - + X d p n p p b b (1S) (1S) b p b p CLEO: Bf((1S) anti-deuteron + X)=3x10-5 an appropriate comparison process A limit on Bf((1S)X- - + X) below 10-5 would be “compelling evidence” that Pentaquarks do not exist.

42 H dibaryon?   _ _ _ 3 3 3 d u d u d u u s d s u s d s u s d s d u s
antitriplet antitriplet antitriplet d u s s decays weakly!! d u R.L. Jaffee, PRL 38, 195 (1977): S=-2 di-hyperon with M<2ML

43 The “Nagara” 6He emulsion event
LL MH > 2ML-7.7 MeV 6He LL 5He L H. Takahashi et al, PRL 87, (1977)

44 H dibaryon decay modes MH(MeV) H  n or LL strong decay probably wide
12C(K-,K+LLX) M + MN (2260 MeV) H LL strong decay 2ML (2223 MeV) H L n weak decay 2215 MeV Ruled out by Nagara C.J. Yoon et al (KEK-PS E522) PRC 75, (2007) most interesting

45 Production via gluons S=-2 B=+2 Need to:
produce 6 quark-antiquark pairs (including two ss quark pairs) very close in phase space d u s s d u Is this likely???

46 Anti-deuteron production
Similar process!! p d p n

47 Experimental signatures
MH(MeV) H  n or LL M + MN (2260 MeV) H LL 2ML (2223 MeV) H L n weak decay 2215 MeV H L n is hard, but H  L n is possible advantage of gluon production is equal rates for H and H

48 Pentaquark & H-dibaryon searches via gluonic systems with sensitivites below the d production rate should be conclusive.

49 The “XYZ” exotic meson candidates

50 The XYZ Mesons

51 B-factories e+e–→(4S) and nearby continuum: Ecms ~ 10.6 GeV
L ~ 1034/cm2/s fb-1 in total At KEK in Japan At SLAC in California 51

52 cc production at B factories

53 Search for a meson that decays to a final state
Strategy: Search for a meson that decays to a final state containing a c and c quark, If it is a standard qq meson, it has to occupy one of the unfilled states indicated above. If not, it is exotic. predicted measured

54 The X(3872)

55 Study p+p-J/y produced in BK p+p- J/y decays

56 The X(3872) BK p+p-J/y y’p+p-J/y X(3872)p+p-J/y M(ppJ/y) – M(J/y)
S.K. Choi et al PRL 91,

57 Its existence is well established seen in 4 experiments
CDF 9.4s 11.6s X(3872) D0 BaBar X(3872)

58 X3872 JPC values Fit to M(pp) favors rp+p-
Angular correlation analysis by CDF: JPC = 1++ or 2-+ hep-ex/ PRL96,102002(2006) Fit to M(pp) favors rp+p- JPC = 1++ CDF: PRL

59 BaBar: X3872 gJ/y & gy’ JPC = 1++ favored over 2-+ B+K+gJ/y
3.6s G(XgJ/y)  1/10 G(Xp+p-J/y) 1++  g J/y or gy’  Allowed E1 2-+  gJ/y or gy’  Suppressed E2 M(gJ/y) B+K+gy’ JPC = 1++ favored over 2-+ 3.5s PRL 102,132001 M(gy’)

60 If it is not the c’c1, what is it?
can it be the 1++ cc state? 1++cc1’ (the only charmonium possibility) M=3872 MeV is low, Xp+p- J/y decay is a forbidden decay 3872 g Xg J/y is an allowed E1 transition; should be stronger than p+p-J/y, not 10x weaker. p+p- (Isospin violating) If it is not the c’c1, what is it?

61 X(3872) looks like a D*0D0 molecule
Predicted by N.A. Tornqvist PLB (2004)

62 M X(3872) ≈ MD0 +MD*0 <MX>= 3871.46 ± 0.19 MeV
new Belle meas. new CDF meas. MD0 + MD*0 3871.8±0.4 MeV dm = ± 0.41 MeV

63 X3872 couples to D*0D0 BaBar Belle X3872 D0D*0 X3872 D0D*0 D*→Dγ
& arXiv: 605 fb-1 D*→Dγ D*→D0π0 414fb-1 D0D0p0

64 Molecular Picture Since the X couples to D0 D*0 in an S-wave:
at least some fraction of it ≥ 6 fermis!! E. Braaten et al arXiv:

65 X(3872)-J/y relative sizes
drms(X3872) ≈ 6 fm drms(J/y) ≈ 0.4 fm Volume(J/y) Volume(X3872) ≈ 10-3 _ Overlap of the cc necessary to form the J/y in X p+p-J/y decays is rare Probability for forming such a fragile object in H.E. pp collisions is small _ -- arXiv : sCDF(meas)>3.1±0.7nb vs stheory(molecule)<0.11nb

66 Produced like the y’ in pp collisions
_ Produced like the y’ in pp collisions Fraction from B decays Long-lived fraction y(2S) : 28.3  1.0(stat.)  0.7(syst.) % X(3872) : 16.1  4.9(stat.)  1.0(syst.) % (drms ≈ 0.4 fm) (drms ≈ 6 fm??) X(3872) behaves similarly to y(2S). X(3872) mostly prompt.

67 X(3872)=diquark-diantiquark ?
Expect SU(3) multiplets Isospin partners S=-1 partners X-= Xs-= d s doublet of “X(3872)” states DM=8±3 MeV Maiani et al PRD71,

68 No multiplet partners seen
BaBar search for “X-(3872)”p-p0 J/y B0 X(3872)– B- M(J/π–π0) PRD 71, Bf(B0K+X-)Bf(X-p-p0J/y) < 0.4 Bf(B-K+X0)Bf(X-p-p-J/y) (expect  2)

69 Lots of interest in the X(3872) line shape
C. Hanhart et al arXiv: also E. Braaten et al PRD Line shape and very precise mass measurement only possible at FAIR

70 The 1- - Y states

71 produced by ISR must have JPC = 1- - at least 3, maybe 5
Y(4350) & Y(4660) must have JPC = 1- - e+e-gISRp+p-y’ BaBar Y(4260) BaBar e+e-gISRp+p-J/y Belle Belle Y(4008)? M(p+p-y’) GeV e+e-gISRLcLc Y(4630) Belle M(p+p-J/y) GeV M(LcLc) at least 3, maybe 5

72 Only one empty 1- - charmonium slot is available:
predicted measured

73 Not evident in stot(e+e–→charm)
y (3770) if R uds =2.285 0.03 Durham Data Base Y( 4008) (4040) (4160) 4260) 4325) (4415) Y (4660) ψ ψ(4160) 4360) R(s) = σ(e+e–→charmed hadrons)/σQED(e+e–→μ+μ-) The established 1 - - charmonum states

74 D*D* Not evident in any exclusive charmed hadron channel DDπ DD DD*π
Λ+c Λc Charm Exotic 2009

75 S(exclusive channel measurements) nearly saturate stot
Only small room for unaccounted contributions Limited inclusive data above 4.5 GeV

76 G(p+p-J/y) [G(p+p-y’)] are much larger than seen in ordinary charmonium
e.g. G(Y4260  p+p-J/y) > 508 keV (X-L Wang et al., PLB 640, 182(2007)) compared to: G(y’  p+p-J/y) ≈ 89 keV (PDG tables) & G(y3770  p+p-J/y) ≈ 45 keV

77 Z(4430)p+y’ u c c d Smoking gun for charmed exotic?

78 BK p y’ (in Belle) ?? M2(p+y’) K*(1430)K+p-? K*(890)K+p- M2(K+p-)

79 The Z(4430)± p±y’ peak “K* Veto” Z(4430) BK p+y’ M2(p±y’) GeV2
M (Kp’) GeV Z(4430) M2(p±y’) GeV2 M(p±y’) GeV M2(Kp’) GeV2 “K* Veto”

80 Could the Z(4430) be due to a reflection from the Kp channel?

81 Cos qp vs M2(py’) p qp +1.0 M2(py’) cosqp -1.0
K +1.0 22 GeV2 (4.43)2GeV2 0.25 M2(py’) cosqp 16 GeV2 -1.0 M (py’) & cosqp are tightly correlated; a peak in cosqp  peak in M(py’)

82 S- P- & D-waves in Kp can’t make a peak (+ nothing else) at cosqp≈0.25
not without introducing other, even more dramatic features at other cosqp (i.e., other Mpy’) values.

83 But…

84 BaBar doesn’t see a significant Z(4430)+
“For the fit … equivalent to the Belle analysis…we obtain mass & width values that are consistent with theirs,… but only ~1.9s from zero; fixing mass and width increases this to only ~3.1s.” Belle PRL: (4.1±1.0±1.4)x10-5

85 Reanalysis of Belle’s BKpy’ data using Dalitz Plot techniques

86 2-body isobar model for Kpy’
Our default model ky’ K*(890)y’ K*(1410)y’ K0*(1430)y’ K2*(1430)y’ K*(1680)y’ KZ+ K*y’ B K2*y’ Kpy’ KZ+

87 Results with no KZ+ term
2 1 1 2 3 4 5 C B A 3 4 A B 5 C fit CL=0.1% 51

88 Results with a KZ+ term 2 1 B 1 2 3 4 5 A 3 4 C B C A 5 fit CL=36%

89 Compare with previous results
K* veto applied With Z(4430) Signif: s Published results Without Z(4430) Mass & significance similar, width & errors are larger BaBar: Belle: = ( )x10-5 No big contradiction

90 Variations on a theme Z(4430)+ significance
Others: Blatt f-f term 0r=1.6fm4fm; Z+ spin J=0J=1; incl K* in the bkg fcn

91 XYZ Summary States with distinct signatures in PANDA

92 What are hadrons made of?
40 years after Gell-Mann’s prize, we still don’t know expected non-qq mesons &/or non-qqq baryons not seen non-qq meson candidates that are seen defy any comprehensive theoretical understanding. new ideas needed. Most progress has been experimentally driven Lots for PANDA to do.

93 Thank you

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