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Car myths: Real or fake ?.

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Presentation on theme: "Car myths: Real or fake ?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Car myths: Real or fake ?

2 Myth 1: Red cars cost more to insure

3 Fake! Red cars are more noticeable for police in traffic violations BUT insurance companies do not take car colors into account!

4 Myth 2: warm up your car in the morning

5 Plausible! This is true for older cars because they rely on hot exhaust gasses for a smooth idle and more power Any cars that are fuel injected (built past early 80’s) are set up so that they can handle even the coldest starts and run fine

6 Myth 3: Premium gas gets better mileage

7 Also Plausible! For cars that specifically require higher octane fuel, they do need it in order to run efficiently for the best mpg’s Although for cars that do not specify what octane fuel you need, you can run the lowest octane at the pump with no issues and get the top mpg’s

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