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Florida’s Multimodal Mobility Performance Measures Program

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1 Florida’s Multimodal Mobility Performance Measures Program
Doug McLeod, FDOT Planning Manager, Mobility Performance Measures TRB Performance Management Committee January 7, 2017

2 Importance of Mobility
FREIGHT “Providing for people and goods is transportation’s most essential function.” PEOPLE Mobility performance measures MAKE SENSE

3 Dimensions of Mobility
To adequately address mobility, all four dimensions should be emphasized and multiple performance measures used. 3

4 Premier Mobility Programs
Recognized as one of the in the nation

5 Consensus in approach and measures
Others Consensus in approach and measures

6 Statewide Mobility Performance Measures Team Purpose
To provide guidance and support to FDOT and the state’s MPOs on multimodal mobility performance measures including reporting for internal and MAP-21 purposes Consensus in approach and measures

7 MPM Consensus Document
Recommended mobility performance measures MPM Consensus Document Roles of Central Office, Districts, and MPOs Outreach to Districts and MPOs Definitions

8 Source Book Compendium of current and historical data and analyses describing the performance of Florida’s transportation system. Intended to be the primary/official source of mobility measure results for Florida.

9 Reported for the Last 10 years
The measures are provided by facility and area types as appropriate. For example, most measures are reported for State Highway System (SHS), SIS Highway Corridors, SIS Highway Connectors, Freeways, Non-Freeways and by State, seven largest counties, other urbanized areas, and non-urbanized areas.

10 Pedestrian & Bicycle LOS
2015 Pedestrian LOS 2015 Bicycle LOS The measures are provided by facility and area types as appropriate. For example, most measures are reported for State Highway System (SHS), SIS Highway Corridors, SIS Highway Connectors, Freeways, Non-Freeways and by State, seven largest counties, other urbanized areas, and non-urbanized areas.

11 Draft Matrix

12 Transportation Statistics’ Intent on Supplying Analyses
FDOT Supply additional measures to each MPO as MPOs agree upon through MPOAC Up to 15 total Up to 8 annually Some measures, not annually FDOT will calculate and supply all federally required measures to each MPO FDOT

13 Possible Multimodal Mobility Performance Measures Policy
“It is the Department’s intent to plan, design and operate the State Highway System for the traveling public in a context sensitive fashion with multiple mobility performance measures, including: auto, bicycle, pedestrian, transit and truck levels of service and safety. For the auto/truck modes level of service targets for the State Highway System during peak travel hours are “D” in urbanized areas and “C” outside urbanized areas. The Department shall work with local governments to establish appropriate level of service targets for multimodal mobility and system design. The targets shall be responsive to context, roadway function, network design, and user safety.”

14 Freight Movement and Economic Vitality
MAP-21 (FAST Act) National Goal Areas for the Federal Aid Highway Program Safety Infrastructure Condition Congestion Reduction System Reliability Freight Movement and Economic Vitality Environmental Sustainability Reduced Project Delivery Delays

15 Thoughts on Mobility-related NPRM
(However) MAP-21 performance management process is implementable and useful FHWA determines National measures How to measure How to report States and MPOs determine Targets relevant to area FHWA’s NPRM is not helping (C-) Too complex (KIS) Focus on operational details (segmentation, year round 5-minute bins) not the big picture Lack of consistency across system performance, freight, congestion measures Relatively poor measures Other (We can make this work in Florida)

16 Proposed (Mobility-Related) Federal Measures and Coverage
NHS % of the Interstate System providing for Reliable Travel Times % of the non-Interstate NHS providing for Reliable Travel Times % of the Interstate System where Peak Hour Travel Times meet expectations % of the non-Interstate NHS where Peak Hour Travel Times meet expectations Freight % of the Interstate System Mileage providing for Reliable Truck Travel Times % of the Interstate System Mileage Uncongested CMAQ Annual Hours of Excessive Delay Per Capita Total Emission Reductions

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