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1 Editorials

2 “Who cares what you write in editorials? Nobody reads them anyway.”
Have you ever heard any newspaper staff say something like that? Although journalists express concern that newspaper readers increasingly avoid editorial pages, the editorial does not have to become the last dinosaur. After all, people hunger for opinion and analysis.

3 After this lesson, you will learn….
The importance of editorials in contributing to community conversation How to write different types of editorials (that explain, evaluate or persuade) The role of editorial cartoons

4 What is an editorial? An article that states a newspaper’s ideas on a particular issue. These ideas are presented as opinions. The newspaper is the voice of the community, and editorials are the voice of the newspaper. It creates a community conversation that will not be bland or boring. Ex) school newspapers

5 Editorials Today, most editorial writers are hired not for their willingness to parrot the views of the paper’s owner but for their education and experience. These writers try to make sense out of complex, and sometimes controversial, issues.

6 There are two strategies to address controversial arguments.
So There are two strategies to address controversial arguments.

7 Strategy 1- Editorial board
Because editorials state the newspapers’ position on controversial issues, many high school newspapers have an editorial board Editorial board: the group of people (usually the top editors) who decide on a plan for each editorial that will appear in a newspaper Editorials are usually unsigned, because they represent the newspaper’s opinion, not the writer’s

8 Strategy 2- Brainstorming
Of course, the process of deciding the newspaper’s positions on controversial matters can include long and heated debates Conferences are held to discuss what is to be written about, decide the newspaper’s position on various topics, and make assignments One useful strategy in these conferences is brainstorming

9 Brainstorming A technique in which participants suspend critical judgment as they generate as many ideas as possible; also called free association It helps people generate ideas for editorials and in suggesting approaches to specific topics.

10 Parts on the Editorial page
Editorial page: the page in a newspaper that includes editorials, columns, opinion articles, reviews, cartoons and the masthead Masthead: a statement in a newspaper that provides the details of publication Op-ed page: the page opposite the editorial page in a newspaper

11 Writing Editorials Needs to tell the reader something that would not be discussed in a straight news story Like a news story, though, an editorial requires careful research

12 How to organize an editorial…
State the problem or situation State your position Give evidence to support your position State or refute the position of the other side in your conclusion. Offer a possible solution to the problem. S P E C

13 Three different kinds of editorials
Editorials that Explain Editorials that Evaluate Editorials that Persuade

14 Editorials that Explain
They present facts with explanations that are detailed. They meant to inform the public on the topics whereas other types of editorials are presented as an opinion.

15 Editorials that Evaluate
Center on certain situations that need improvement. Instead of criticizing, the editors will focus on the positive and present solutions.

16 Editorials that Persuade
They are the opposite of editorials that evaluate. Instead of finding a long-term resolution of the problem, this type of editorial wants to solve the problem almost immediately, therefore editors will provide specific solutions.

17 Have you learned anything?
Read the sample editorials on the blog and identify if the editorial evaluates, persuades or explains. STOP HERE!!!

18 So… what if you are against or with the editor’s opinion?

19 You write a letter to the editor!

20 Letters to the Editor As was explained earlier, the newspaper’s editorial staff has the responsibility to create community conversation. In order for readers to have their turn to speak, newspapers provide space for dialogue on current topics of concern. In this way, readers are given their voices.

21 Responsibility of the editor
Most readers like reading letters to the editor, but they must be encouraged to write. If you as an editor want to strengthen this part of the editorial pages, you have to ask readers to respond. Furthermore, you must be willing to print critical, as well as complimentary, letters. Finally, to receive vital, well-written letters, you must publish vital, well-written editorials.

22 Opinion Features Similar with Letters of the Editors
Daily forum that includes the public’s opinion on an issue or specific question. For the free exchange of opinions.

23 Cartoons Can do more than enrich popular culture and make readers laugh Editorial cartoons can be a powerful form of expression. Unfortunately, however, they are not always understood.

24 Cartoons Like this cartoon

25 Cartoons Therefore, your goal in drawing or selecting editorial cartoons is to make sure that your readers get the intended message. An effective way to achieve this goal is to have a cartoon reinforce a message that is contained in an accompanying editorial. In addition, cartoons should also be timely and well drawn.

26 NOW, You have all the knowledge About the Editorials!! Let’s check 

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