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The second AROME-WMED reanalysis of SOP1
N. Fourrié, M. Nuret, P. Brousseau, A. Doerenbecher, H. Bénichou, P. Moll, O. Bock, F. Saïd and E. Wattrelot CNRM-GAME, Météo-France and CNRS IGN LA Outline: Introduction Characteristics of AROME WMED reanalysis Data assimilation: background error observations Conclusions and perspectives
9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Introduction AROME-WMED model (west mediterranean) developped for the real-time analyses and forecasts during the SOPs of HyMeX and delivered to the Hymex Operational Centre each day a 48-hour forecast (Fourrié et al, 2015, GMD). Based on the operational AROME-FRANCE model, horiz. resolution 2.5 km, 60 vertical levels from 10m to 1 hPa, time step 60s Domain: 34°N -9°W/ 48°N-20°E Lateral boundary conditions provided by the French global model ARPEGE 3D-Var, 3h assimilation window Pronostic variables: T,q, vort,div, Ps in the analyses, vert div, pressure departure from hydrostatism, turbulent kinetic energy, Ql,Qi,Qr,Qs,Qg AROME-WMED sea=47%, land=53%(nx:960,ny:640) 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
First AROME-WMED reanalysis
Period: SOP1 (05/09/2012 05/11/2013) = 2 months Forecast range: +54hr range (+48 h for real-time) Unique software version Run on the previous NEC supercomputer Observations new-extraction (cut-off) implies more data available (i. e. Synop: +2%) Coupling: ARPEGE « long » cut-off (instead of ARPEGE « short » version more observations in the coupling flux) Assimilation of some experimental mobile soundings not assimilated in real-time (not assimilated before 10/10 in « oper ») Radiosonde: +4% Activation of several wind profilers +64% Boundary Layer Pressurized balloons , humidity data (Q) assimilated, (wind and T already used in « oper ») ~ 400 observations (Hu) Overall ~ neutral impact in the forecast quality Available in the HyMeX database 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Why a second reanalysis of SOP1 with AROME-WMED?
More observations of the campaign assimilated New cycle on the Bull computer, with improved orography, coupling files with more assimilated observations. New background error were re-computed on one SOP1 period with heavy precipitations (15 days October 2012 from 17 to 31) based on first reanalysis (P. Brousseau et al 2011) => 180 members Weight given to the observation Error in humidity larger in low-level Temperature error a bit larger in the troposphere Errors in divergence and vorticity Closer to the ones of AROME-France Test of this configuration over SOP1 period 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Impact of these modifications on the forecast
12h forecast error wrt radiosondes 2 month period T RH Slight improvement of short term forecast, in temperature, relative humidity and 6h accumulated rain rate. RMSE AWMED prereana2 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece Bias AWMED SOP1
Second reanalysis: observation aspects
Reprocessed observations and new data type in the data assimilation reprocessed GPS reprocessed wind profilers high resolution radiosounding (France, Spain, mobile HyMeX RS,KIT, L’Aquilla, Biscarosse) dropsondes F20 SST observations : additional observations used in the SST analysis research aircraft measurements (F20, ATR, Dornier) surface stations (Candillargues, …) ground-based Lidar (BASIL,Candillargues, Di Girolamo et al 2015, WALI, Menorca, Chazette et al, 2015) + airborne LEANDRE (Flamant) Spanish radars 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Reprocessed GPS Data reprocessing of GPS data by IGN => consistent processing for all data, + data (Bock et al., 2015, QJRMS) GPS mobile from Marfret-Niolon Cruise of Marfret-Niolon GPS « oper » et « reana_1 » GPS « repro » (reana_2) 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Reprocessed observations: Wind PROFILER
Reprocessed profiler data (F. Saïd, LA): data quality check has been revised. Pierrelatte/Clermont Ferrand/Lannemezan/Candillargues/Marignane/Perpignan/ Levant/Pianottoli Statistics for wind Reprocessed PROFILER vs operational PROFILER Improved comparisons with reprocessed observations (no data assimilation here) U V 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Additional observations: radiosondes
high resolution thinning (100 to 150 points vs ~30 points for TEMP messages) L’Aquilla (Italy), Biscarosse (French army) (Obs-model) comparison (Wind) HR RS vs RS U Blue: operational network / Orange: HyMeX research mobile radiosounding (CNRM) Red: HyMeX research radiosounding (KIT) / xx: additional DTS soundings V Wind OKsol? 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Réanalyse_2 : observations / RS
Statistics for temperature and humidity HR TEMP vs TEMP T T and HU OKsol? HU 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Spanish radars Data provided by AEMET. Test of data assimilation from 6 spanish radars over the SOP1 period. Data quality control adapted Increase of the threshold detection used in the data assimilation: loss of precipitation but higher quality Verification area with dense network over France 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Concluding remarks and further developments
Second reanalysis in progress. New background error matrix and more accurate orography. Currently test of experimental observations assimilation (reprocessed GPS). Promissing results but should be confirmed with the HyMeX data. Evaluation of the forAvailability in HyMeX database by the end of 2015. ecast quality (with HyMeX data, raingauges, RS and GPS) and with case studies. 9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
Thank you for your attention!
9th HyMeX Workshop, Mykonos, Greece
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