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Medieval Asia Part III The Yuan Dynasty.

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1 Medieval Asia Part III The Yuan Dynasty

2 Rock, Khan, Roll Kublai Khan (1215 – 1294)
Genghis Khan’s grandson Raised by a Buddhist nurse Brought victory in conquering the Song Dynasty After a civil war between Mongols, established himself as Great Khan in 1260 “Rocking Son of Dschinghis Khan” – Dschinghis Khan

3 Yuan on One The Yuan Dynasty (1279 – 1368) Founded by Kublai Khan
“Great Beginnings” Founded by Kublai Khan Applied the same administration system as the earlier dynasties (Han, Shang, Qin) Given the Mandate of Heaven by Chinese historians “Clouds”

4 Under the Khan Kublai became an Absolute Monarch
Reformed the tax system of China for better revenue to the government Promoted international trade for revenue “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” – Frankie Goes to Hollywood

5 …Did Kublai Khan, A Pleasure Dome Erect…
Rebuilt the Grand Canal since the Sui Dynasty (600 CE) Increased Trade Built Granaries Stored food to avoid future famines City and National parks created Xanadu

6 Culture Clash Kublai’s court was international
Many Buddhist and Turkish officials Policies made against Chinese Mongols above Chinese law Controlled major trading companies Chinese shocked by the freedom Mongolian women had

7 Mongol Money Kublai re-introduces paper currency
Collects all the gold and silver in China Established one of the first Fiat economies Currency cannot be exchanged for gold or silver Money value based off the backing of the government

8 It’s a Holiday in Mongolia
Kublai supported culture (or else) Craftsmen and the educated were forced to live in the capital Mongols created a cosmopolitan city China enters….say it together now! “Everybody Have Fun Tonight” – Wang Chung

9 Mongol Toll Mongol control made trading roads safe to travel
Religious tolerance for most religions convinced people to migrate into China Forbids the Jewish practices of sacrifice Muslim astrology comes to China Crop rotation comes from the Middle East “High Mountains Flowing Water”

10 Khan Jong-Il Invaded Korea (Goryeo) in 1260 and 1273
Became an official Yuan vassal state Access to Korea’s navy and ports for a Japanese invasion “Chu Shang”

11 Surf’s Up The Japanese Invasions (1274 and 1281)
Both times fleet was caught in a Tsunami storm Kamikaze “divine wind” 150,000 killed combined Last time Japan would be attacked until World War II “Wipeout” – The Surfaris

12 Wave of Sickness Constant commerce always brought the sharing of disease A plague hit China in 1331 Reoccurring as it was not taken care of Spread throughout the empire, killing tens of millions Would spread to Europe as the Black Plague Mongols lost most of their empire; Yuan Dynasty falls to the Ming “Sick Again” – Led Zeppelin

13 The Merchants of Venice
Niccolo and Maffeo Polo Traders from Venice Established trading with Kublai in 1266 Kublai welcomes them and invites Christians to stay in China Europe now has unlimited access to Chinese products “I’m Gonne Be” – The Proclaimers

14 How Lo Can You Po Marco Polo (1254 – 1324)
Son of Niccolo Followed father to China at 17 and stayed for 24 years Established trade contracts with Asian markets The Travels of Marco Polo Book containing maps of the Silk Roads Descriptions of Mongol China Culture of India and Japan “Marco Polo” – Ennio Morricone

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