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Future Kicker Generator strategy

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1 Future Kicker Generator strategy
Fantastic PPE-R&D team around Mike produced sound concepts for new solid state generators. The technology is not “future” any more. Prototypes are already next door! Despite limited resources CERN still leads in many ways. Numerous new activities world wide recently – it is now the time to ensure CERN doesn’t fall behind. All HV-cable activities progress Major spending's ahead Do we really want to spend ~800 kCHF as a first step of SF6 cable replacement?

2 R&D - Risk and Desperation
YES we need to if we do not prioritize novel technologies now (or accept to take a major risk for CERNs operational performance). LS3 is too late for an efficient implementation of a new generator design without consolidation of existing systems. LS2 is perfectly situated to bring 1st novel systems partly into operation. Risk reduced transition allows to take “short cuts” (e.g. no new SF6 cables) How? (Without compromising LIU) BTW: “R&D” on Technical Risk Management for accelerator projects would be a beneficial topic…

3 How 1st stage: Accelerated Proof of Principle 2nd stage: Validation
Less protected PFL: Operational RISK 1st stage: Accelerated Proof of Principle We have several test generators / applications (867) Go for 15 stage Marx Gen MKI test bench a.s.a.p. Aim at ~40 kV Marx test bed (check tr, tf ) Adapt FCC IA for PS purposes (~40kV, SC-mode proto) 2nd stage: Validation We have several modular CPS kicker systems (KFA-45, KFA-71, AD etc.) Install pre-series prototypes and use them for validation and reliability assessment during hybrid operations. E.g. one module of KFA-71 / KFA-45 Availability and full voltage capability not important fully protected Now until LS2 3rd stage: Full deployment Replace SF6 PFL systems step by step For EYETS 2023 deployment to KFA-71/79 (new location) KFA-4 (new location) and 45 in LS3 LS2 until EYETS post LS2 Future

4 Change Management Past Now Future Create urgency
Form a powerful coalition Create a vision for change Communicate the vision No replacement for SF6 cables, unique supplier for thyratrons Ongoing Create quick wins MKI test bed LIU: Hybrid for KFA-45 ripple reduction CONS: SF6 cable replacement not needed Relocation plans simplified, Savings on maintenance etc ABT restructuring, R&D efforts across projects Build on the change Make it Stick Ongoing KFA-71/79 relocation KFA-45 upgrade . Kotter's 8-step model

5 Let’s get moving!

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