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Cutting and welding First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017 G. Favre / A. Amorim Carvalho G. Favre EN-MME.

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Presentation on theme: "Cutting and welding First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017 G. Favre / A. Amorim Carvalho G. Favre EN-MME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cutting and welding First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017 G. Favre / A. Amorim Carvalho G. Favre EN-MME

2 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Project overview 1232 diodes to be consolidated 2464 covers to be opened and re-welded 30 weeks (W9 to W ) for cutting operations 30 weeks (W22 to W ) for welding operations Intervention team Covers cutting (and covers machining when required): 6 mechanics (EN/MME) Covers tacking and re-welding: welders (EN/MME) Welding quality control : technicians for welding inspection (notified Body) Traceability: technician BE/OP (2 technicians/50% each) 1 administrative student (as LS1) new request Project management : engineer (EN/MME) as of now G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

3 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Project overview Work organisation Single train Work on 4 fronts in parallel (4 interconnects) 6 efficient working hours per day 10 diode containers opened and closed per day Drawings Welding map: LHCMB__S0268 Covers: LHCMB__S0130 & LHCMB__S Diode container: LHCMB__S0129 Tee : LHCMB__S0128 G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

4 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Info/lessons learned from the series prod. Welding process used by the 3 manufacturers (Alstom, Ansaldo, Noell) TIG manual welding without filler metal Welding qualifications: complete for Alstom (WPQR, WQ), info. not found for Ansaldo&Noell Weld throat depending of the manufacturer: a=2 for Ansaldo&Noell, a=1 for Alstom Q: What was the throat thickness really obtain for the series production ? Controls : Visual inspection, pressure and leak tests WPQR Alstom G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

5 Info/lessons learned from the previous consolidations
(dipoles & quadrupoles) Covers cutting Orbital cutting machines Axial machining better than radial machining (less lips consumption) One set available TE/MSC Radial Axial G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

6 Info/lessons learned from the previous consolidations
(dipoles & quadrupoles) Unchanged internal volume Nominal position 1st cut: -2.5 mm 255 dipoles already opened 1 time 2nd cut: -5 mm 3rd cut: -7.5 mm G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

7 Info/lessons learned from the previous consolidations
(dipoles & quadruoples) After few cuts (3 ? TBC), the groove in the covers has to be re-machine. In some cases covers may have to be changed. G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

8 Info/lessons learned from the previous consolidations
(dipoles & quadrupoles) In case of new cover installation, the internal volume of the diode container will be affected. The compatibility with the insulation has to be checked (enough room?) with new covers G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

9 Info/lessons learned from the previous consolidations
(dipoles & quadrupoles) 1 mm Covers welding Manual welding Necessity to distribute the gap before welding (ovalization facing the Tee necking, gap up to 1 mm locally) Depending of the case necessity to use filler metal Diode container dimensions w.r.t nominal Variation of the internal diameter (gap up to 1 mm) Variation of the thickness along the diameter (i.e. from 1.6 mm to 2.2 mm, nominal 2 mm) G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

10 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Open points (1/2) Define the weld size (throat) 2 mm difficult to reach (even with the use of filler metal) FEM to be done to define the minimum throat acceptable (see next slides) Chose the appropriate welding method Option 1: Manual welding with or without filler metal (solution used to date) PRO: Less demanding with respect to the joint preparation (possibility to accommodate significant gaps, and defects) CONS: Reproducibility of the result depend of the welder Option 2: Orbital welding without filler metal PRO: Reproducibility CONS: Demanding regarding the joint preparation (limited gap allowed) CONS: use of filler metal would be (very) difficult G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

11 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Open points (2/2) Check the effect of the weld on the new electrical insulation Max. temperature reach during welding Diminution of the internal volume in case of new cover installation G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

12 Numerical assessment Study objectives: Minimum cover thickness?
Minimum size of the throat a? 1st cut 3rd cut 5th cut 1mm ? 10.5 Pressure vessel + cryogenic application Comprehensive approach needed. Norm EN 13445: 3 Unfired Pressure Vessels Weld case (joined lips) is not compliant. Proposal (with acceptance from HSE): Annex C: Design by analysis – Method based on stress categories Annex T: Design by experimental methods of the weld in an equivalent structure A. Amorim Carvalho First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

13 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Numerical assessment 1mm ? Local stress concentration Linearization of different paths: analysis of the worst case scenario Assessment to be performed for the configurations: 1st cut (- 2.5mm) & 5th cut (- 12.5mm) Considering different weld sizes: 0.5mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm and 2mm A. Amorim Carvalho First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

14 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Numerical assessment Impact of the gap between the cover and tube will also be assessed Gap can go up to 1mm A. Amorim Carvalho First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

15 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Workflow including QC steps & traceability Covers cutting Engraving of covers to keep the traceability w.r.t. the diode container Dimensional control of the diode containers: ovalization, wall thickness, number of cuts already done in the past, etc. Covers machining (when required) : level of activation? marching in RP workshop bldg. 109? HSE input required Diode consolidation with dedicated tests & controls and traceability (electrical, cleanliness, pictures of the inside, etc.) Green light for covers re-welding Covers installation: gap distribution and tack-welding Covers welding: welding parameters will be registered Quality control of the welds: visual inspection (video registering) Production of witness samples: control of the weld size and compactness (micrographs) Local leak test using clamp shell tooling G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

16 First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review
Next steps Welding and cutting tests on representative samples Validation of the weld throat thickness with HSE Select the appropriate welding method (automatic or manual) Qualifications: cutting & welding Define the acceptance criteria for the welds acceptation (visual inspection) Procurement of the equipment for the series prod. Procurement of covers spares G. Favre EN-MME First internal LHC Dipole Diode Insulation Consolidation Review 10 Oct 2017

17 Thanks for your attention
Questions? G. Favre EN-MME

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