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Focus 1/20 The classic civilizations of Greece, Rome, and the Byzantine Empire created many advances. The Greek city state of Athens created democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus 1/20 The classic civilizations of Greece, Rome, and the Byzantine Empire created many advances. The Greek city state of Athens created democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus 1/20 The classic civilizations of Greece, Rome, and the Byzantine Empire created many advances. The Greek city state of Athens created democracy. Rome’s Laws of the Twelve Tables influenced modern legal codes. The Byzantine influenced Russia by introducing the Cyrillic alphabet to Russia and Justinian’s Code preserved Greek and Roman law.

2 Classical Civilizations

3 China Geographic Setting Yellow Sea High Mountains Gobi Desert
Pacific Ocean Huang He (Yellow) River Yangzi River

4 China Geographic isolation caused them to become ethnocentric
Middle Kingdom

5 China Like the Inca in South America, the Chinese practiced Terrace Farming

6 China Dynastic Cycle Mandate of Heaven – Divine approval to overthrow a dynasty

7 China Qin Dynasty – First emperor Shi Huangdi
Strong centralized government based on legalism Shi Huangdi’s greatest achievement was building Great Wall

8 China Han Dynasty Most famous Emperor – Wudi Used Confucianism
Used civil service system Like the Romans, built an extensive system of roads

9 China Advances of Han Dynasty Made paper from wood pulp
Invented wheelbarrow Fishing rod Rudder Acupuncture anesthesia

10 India Geographic Setting Fertile Northern Plain
Deccan Plateau – dry/desert like Coastal Plains Thar Desert Isolated by Mountains Khyber Pass – Invasion Route through mountains Monsoons Indus and Ganges Rivers

11 India Early cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro showed advanced urban planning

12 India Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya was first to unite India
ASOKA – converts to Buddhism, tolerant ruler, promotes trade Pillars of Asoka – written law codes

13 Gupta Empire In India Gupta Empire – GOLDEN AGE OF INDIA
Influenced by Hinduism Expands caste system Advances in math and medicine Concept of Zero Decimal System Cave Paintings at Ajunta Stupas

14 Greece Geographic Setting Located in southeastern Europe
Like Japan and England, had an irregular coastline Many mountains and isolated valleys Scattered Islands

15 Greece Develop political units known as city-states or polis
Two most famous city-states = Sparta and Athens Sparta = strict military state Athens develops direct democracy and seeks well-rounded education

16 Athens Athens reaches a Golden Age under leadership of Pericles
Pericles believes the biggest responsibility of the people is to participate in government

17 Greek Philosophy Greek Philosophers believed the best way to explain the world was through observation and reason Socrates Plato Aristotle

18 Alexander the Great Alexander the Great of Macedonia creates Hellenistic Civilization through conquests Hellenistic Civilization is a combination of Persian, Greek, Egyptian, and Indian cultures

19 Rome Geographic Setting Located on Italian Peninsula Mediterranean Sea
Few Natural Barriers

20 Rome Rome establishes a republic
Most powerful governing body was senate Plebians Patricians Law codes – Laws of the Twelve Tables

21 Rome Rome becomes an empire
Pax Romana – 200 years of peace and stability in Roman Empire Like the Han, built an extensive system of roads

22 Rome Roman Contributions Legal System Republican form of government
Laws of Twelve Tables Architecture Aqueducts

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