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Classical Rome.

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1 Classical Rome

2 Classical Rome Romulus & Remus 753 BC Legendary founders of Rome
“Rome” comes from “Romulus”

3 Origins Overlaps with and is interrelated with Greece, geographically, chronologically, culturally, and politically Rome was built on 7 hills Rome is built around the Tiber River Early Roman society was a monarchy

4 Classical Rome There were 7 Kings, mostly good
Last King, Tarquin the Proud, was cruel King’s abused power and in 509 BCE the people overthrew the monarchy and formed the Republic

5 Rome’s early road system
Classical Rome Rome’s early road system

6 The Roman Republic (509 BC)
Included Patricians (Aristocrats) & Plebeians (Commoners)

7 The Roman Republic New Government favoured the Plebeians
Consul - Rulers of Rome There were Two, elected by the people. Senate - Representative body for patricians Senators chosen by Consuls Society and Laws protected the rights of the Patricians

8 The Plebeians The majority of Romans They also made up the army
494 BCE refused to fight until granted political rights Plebeians allowed to elect representatives - Council of the Plebs Ultimately any law passed by Plebeians would be equal to all laws.

9 Roman society Roman society was based on an agrarian lifestyle which consisted mostly of Latifundia (large plantations) owned & farmed by coloni (free farmers). The coloni exemplified the Roman traits that made Rome great.

10 The Law of the Twelve Tables (450 BC)
450 BCE - The Twelve Tables are created They were created to address Plebeian Concerns Both in terms of equality before the law and property rights First recorded Roman Law Code

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