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Presentation on theme: "BASSENFELL MANOR RESIDENTIAL GIN/WINE TASTING EVENING"— Presentation transcript:

St. Matthews Primary School SCHOOL VALUES This week we have talked about: ‘LOVING’ Generosity Number 21 Thursday 2nd March, 2017 AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS MONDAY TO FENCING LESSONS for Y5 CHILDREN £2 MONDAY TO 4pm SATS CLUB TUESDAY to 4pm SATs CLUB TUESDAY LUNCH TIME ASIA CLUB – No charge THURSDAY LUNCH TIME LEXIA CLUB – No charge THURSDAY to 5pm FILM CLUB - £1 – “THE BFG” LOST PROPERTY Jack Scott has lost TWO pair of school trousers, age 11/12. Can parents please check to ensure that they have not gone to the wrong home. Thank you. SHOW AND TELL Reception children should only bring a toy into school on Wednesday each week. FOREST SCHOOL It’s RECEPTION children’s turn to do Forest School this Friday, Children will need warm outdoor clothing and wellies DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 6-10 Mar Y5/6 Cycle Training 10 Mar Going Lambing 13-17 Mar Science week 16 Mar Bags2School Fri 24 Mar Red Nose Day/Wellie walk 6th April Easter Bingo 6th April Decorated Egg competition BASSENFELL MANOR RESIDENTIAL 30/31 MARCH Consent/medical form attached to newsletter, please return completed form as soon as possible. Thanks to everyone who has already paid, unpaid balances should be paid as soon as possible Thank you GIN/WINE TASTING EVENING On Friday 31st March we are holding a Gin/Wine tasting evening to raise money for school funds. Tickets are £20 each which includes a selection of gins and wines to sample and a buffet supper. We are restricted to 25 to 30 people, so if you are interested in attending please let us have numbers as soon as possible. OUR MISSION STATEMENT Our unique school is fun, secure and flooded with love and joy, we aim high to meet stimulating, challenging targets taking our journey forward through life.

2 CYCLING PROFICIENCY Y5 and Y6 children are doing their cycling proficiency test next week. All children taking part should bring the bikes ad helmets into school on Monday morning. Bikes that need to be brought to school by car, can be left in school all week. Due to lack of storage space, it is preferred for children who live in the village to bring their bikes and helmets each day. TODDLER GROUP Several years ago we had a Toddler Group in school who met up once a week. The group was disbanded when our pre-school opened. A meeting of the committee has been called on Monday 13th March at 4pm in school to discuss the balance of the money held at the building society. Members of the committee are welcome to attend. 100 CLUB Last September we tried to set up a ‘100 Club’ monthly draw. Unfortunately we did not get enough members to make the draw viable. Anyone who joined in September, we still have their money and cheques in school. (if in doubt contact Mrs Young) We have decided to re-launch the draw from April, anyone who hasn’t already got a ticket but would like one please complete the attached slip. How Does it work: Tickets cost £1 per month (for ease of administration we would prefer for you to pay 12 months in advance.) Each month a draw will take place for 50% of the prize money, so if we have 100 members the prize money will be split as follows 1st £25, 2nd £15 3rd £10 The money raised will be used for the governor’s 10% contribution towards large building projects in school (ie: the new reception classroom, office and new entrance), new computers and IT equipment. ‘100 CLUB’ I would like to become a member of the school ‘100 CLUB’ I enclose £12 (full payment from April 2017 to March 2018) Name________________________ Signed_____________________ Cheques made payable to St Matthew’s CE School


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