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Adam and Eve of the 21st century

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Presentation on theme: "Adam and Eve of the 21st century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adam and Eve of the 21st century
Klaudia Homolová Dvory nad Žitavou, Slovakia

2 Why is Adam and Eve of the 21st century even needed?
Response to previous work with children Real, distortion-free, practical life experiences Direct (right) contact, open communication Adults do not want to talk about such issues

3 Main themes of the project
Chapter 1 – Adults not permitted (Adolescence, puberty, physical and psychological changes...) Chapter 2 – Oh those relationships (Fellowship, sibling, parent, love/non-love...) Chapter 3 – Kisses and all that stuff (Sex, history, contraceptives, parenting, curiosities...) Chapter 4 – Our technologized world (Internet, cell phone, pornography and others)

4 Main form Interactive presentations Group and personal meetings
Experience learning Brainstorming Discussions

5 The objectives of the project
Detract children from computers, social networks etc. Know the differences between virtual and real life Not to abuse and not to be abused Understand ourselves in modern world tangle Essences of social networks Moral values, standards and life aims/objectives/mains

6 Tasks Try to be one day without social network
Spend one day as much time in nature as you usually spend on the Internet or playing gaming consoles If you go out with your friends leave your cell phone at home Do not make a selfie over one week Let your account on social network open only for your friends not for everyone

7 Innovation of the project
The approach from the lecturer to the students Open access to students, adapt to students Didactic games Adventure learning for all students Prevent socio-pathological phenomen

8 The evaluation of the project
Very positive feedback from the students, teachers and parents Students have opened up to us Interest of educational staff (suitable themes, approach, used sources informations) Interest of the media “This project is a great contribution in the field of youth crime prevention“ – statement of the Chief of the Metropolitan police

9 Adam and Eve of the 21st century books coming soon...

10 Thank you for your attention

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