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The Life of Jesus (21) The Disciples of Jesus.

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1 The Life of Jesus (21) The Disciples of Jesus

2 What is a Disciple? A learner or follower
“Follow Me” – Matt. 4:19 1 Cor. 11:1, Eph. 5:1-2 The word is found 274 times in gospels and Acts

3 What is a Disciple? They were more than mere followers. His disciples believed in Him and desired to learn from Him. Contrasted with the multitudes Matt. 5:1, 15:32, 14:13-15

4 Becoming His Disciple While upon earth they followed Him and believed Him. Whatever He instructed, they did. Today, we are given instructions – obey the gospel Matt. 28:18-20

5 Becoming His Disciple Were the disciples of Jesus baptized?
Whether or not they were is irrelevant to us (they were under a different law) Many were followers of John the Baptist – Mark 1:4-5 Also see John 3:26

6 What it means to be His disciple
Matt. 16:24-27 Let him deny himself - one willing to give up the ways of this world to follow Him Matt. 6:19-21, 19:20-22, Lk. 14:24

7 What it means to be His disciple
Matt. 16:24-27 Take up his cross - one willing to suffer and endure hardships for Him Matt. 10:38, Mark 10:21

8 What it means to be His disciple
Matt. 16:24-27 “Follow Me” – positively, we do what He commands of us Acts 10:38, Matt. 10:6-7, 28:19-20, etc.

9 What it means to be His disciple
Luke 9:57-62 I will follow you wherever you go – Jesus answered, I have no place to lay My head. What will we give up to follow Him? 1 John 2:15-17 Consider this BEFORE obedience!

10 What it means to be His disciple
Luke 9:57-62 59-60 – Jesus says, “Follow Me” – “Let me bury my father first” Let the dead bury their own! Put Him before commitments 2 Tim. 2:4, Heb. 12:1 Don’t put off obedience

11 What it means to be His disciple
Luke 9:57-62 61-62 – “Lord, I will follow you, but…” He desires to bid family farewell Was he fully committed?

12 What it means to be His disciple
Luke 9:57-62 61-62 – Jesus said, “No one having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit..” Are we willing to stay faithful to Him?

13 What it means to be His disciple
Luke 14:26-33 He must be first in all things. Let us carefully weigh our options before following Him.

14 Are we willing to do what we need to be His disciples?

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