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MAV 101. MAV 101 MAV 101 MAE 598 – Special Topics Micro Air Vehicles.

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2 MAV 101

3 MAV 101 MAE 598 – Special Topics Micro Air Vehicles


5 5 Question Quiz

6 Q1. How much does a micro air vehicle (MAV) weigh?

7 Q1. How much does a micro air vehicle (MAV) weigh?
ANS: less than or equal to 100 grams (3.5 ounces)

8 Q2. According to the definition employed in DARPA's program, what is the size of an MAV?

9 Q2. According to the definition employed in DARPA's program, what is the size of an MAV?
ANS: size less than 15 cm (about 6 inches) in length, width or height.

10 Q3. Between which regimes of Reynolds numbers (Re) does the indication from laminar to tubulent flow occur in a circular pipe?

11 Q3. Between which regimes of Reynolds numbers (Re) does the indication from laminar to tubulent flow occur in a circular pipe? ANS: laminar when Re < 2300 / turbulent when 4000 < Re

12 Q4. Since the flight of MAVs is M < 1, how do we model MAVs in air flow testing?

13 Q4. Since the flight of MAVs is M < 1, how do we model MAVs in air flow testing?
ANS: Incompressible

14 Q5. Is the density of air considered constant in the subsonic flow regime?

15 Q5. Is the density of air considered constant in the subsonic flow regime?
ANS: Yes


17 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

18 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Commonly known as a drone, it is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or another vehicle.

19 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Commonly known as a drone, it is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or another vehicle. Diverse spectrum of UAVs

20 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Commonly known as a drone, it is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or another vehicle. Diverse spectrum of UAVs Global Hawk Wing span: 131 ft Propulsion: turbofan Top Speed: 402 mph

21 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Commonly known as a drone, it is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or another vehicle. Diverse spectrum of UAVs Global Hawk Reaper Wing span: 131 ft Propulsion: turbofan Top Speed: 402 mph Wing span: 64 ft Propulsion: turboprop Top Speed: 200 mph

22 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Commonly known as a drone, it is an aircraft without a human pilot on board. Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers in the vehicle, or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground or another vehicle. Diverse spectrum of UAVs Global Hawk Reaper Predator Wing span: 131 ft Propulsion: turbofan Top Speed: 402 mph Wing span: 64 ft Propulsion: turboprop Top Speed: 200 mph Wing span: 48 ft Propulsion: piston Top Speed: 135 mph

23 UAV Classifications

24 UAV Classifications Image courtesy of Unmanned Systems/

25 UAV Classifications High Altitude (30k – 65k ft) Image courtesy of Unmanned Systems/

26 UAV Classifications High Altitude (30k – 65k ft) Medium Altitude (10k – 30k ft) Image courtesy of Unmanned Systems/

27 UAV Classifications High Altitude (30k – 65k ft) Medium Altitude (10k – 30k ft) Tactical (1k – 18k ft) Image courtesy of Unmanned Systems/

28 UAV Classifications High Altitude (30k – 65k ft) Medium Altitude (10k – 30k ft) Tactical (1k – 18k ft) Mini (500 – 1k ft) Image courtesy of Unmanned Systems/

29 UAV Classifications High Altitude (30k – 65k ft) Medium Altitude (10k – 30k ft) Tactical (1k – 18k ft) Mini (500 – 1k ft) Micro (0 – 500 ft) Image courtesy of Unmanned Systems/

30 So again, what is an MAV?

31 So again, what is an MAV? Micro UAVs or more commonly, Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs), are a class of UAVs that have size and weight restrictions.

32 Restrictions?

33 Restrictions? By who?

34 Restrictions? By who? Who sets these restrictions?


36 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military.

37 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following:

38 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm)

39 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g

40 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g Endurance ≥ 1 hour

41 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g Endurance ≥ 1 hour MAV Requirements:

42 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g Endurance ≥ 1 hour MAV Requirements: Efficient

43 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g Endurance ≥ 1 hour MAV Requirements: Efficient Highly maneuverable

44 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g Endurance ≥ 1 hour MAV Requirements: Efficient Highly maneuverable Insensitive to gust

45 DARPA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is an agency of the United State Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Defined under the following: Dimensions ≤ 6 inches (15.24 cm) Weight ≤ 100 g Endurance ≥ 1 hour MAV Requirements: Efficient Highly maneuverable Insensitive to gust Hover capable

46 What types of MAVs are there?

47 What types of MAVs are there?
There are 3 basic types of MAVs

48 What types of MAVs are there?
There are 3 basic types of MAVs Fixed Wing

49 What types of MAVs are there?
There are 3 basic types of MAVs Fixed Wing Rotary Wing

50 What types of MAVs are there?
There are 3 basic types of MAVs Fixed Wing Rotary Wing Flapping Wing

51 What types of MAVs are there?
There are 3 basic types of MAVs Fixed Wing Rotary Wing Flapping Wing All are subsets of the classification of Micro Air Vehicles

52 Fixed Wing MAVs

53 Fixed Wing MAVs Simple, fast, and efficient

54 Fixed Wing MAVs Simple, fast, and efficient
No hover capability  Only out door missions

55 Rotary Wing MAVs

56 Rotary Wing MAVs Hover capable

57 Rotary Wing MAVs Hover capable Poor efficiency  Low endurance

58 Rotary Wing MAVs Hover capable Poor efficiency  Low endurance
Sensitive to wind gusts

59 Flapping Wing MAVs

60 Flapping Wing MAVs Bio-inspired  Potential solution

61 Flapping Wing MAVs Bio-inspired  Potential solution
Hover capable, Maneuverable, Insensitive to wind gusts

62 Flapping Wing MAVs Bio-inspired  Potential solution
Hover capable, Maneuverable, Insensitive to wind gusts Limited understanding

63 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature.

64 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping

65 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane

66 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane Small pitch angle

67 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane Small pitch angle Needs forward velocity

68 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane Small pitch angle Needs forward velocity Insect Flapping

69 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane Small pitch angle Needs forward velocity Insect Flapping Flaps in nearly horizontal plane

70 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane Small pitch angle Needs forward velocity Insect Flapping Flaps in nearly horizontal plane Large changes in wing pitch

71 Flapping Wing MAVs Also known as ornithopters (from Greek ornithos “bird” and pteron “wing”) There are two different forms of flapping in nature. Avian Flapping Flaps in vertical plane Small pitch angle Needs forward velocity Insect Flapping Flaps in nearly horizontal plane Large changes in wing pitch Hovering flight  Suitable for hover-capable MAVs

72 OVERVIEW Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) High Altitude Medium Altitude
Tactical Mini Micro (MAV) Fixed-wing MAV Rotary-wing MAV Flapping-wing MAV (Ornithopter) Avian flapping Insect flapping


74 References

75 Next time we will be talking about applications of MAVs and the research we have done.

76 3rd GBM is September 24th PSF 101

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