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Isaac newton By: Manuel Limones.

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Presentation on theme: "Isaac newton By: Manuel Limones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isaac newton By: Manuel Limones

2 Where was Isaac newton born
Isaac newton was born in Woolsthorpe, England

3 When was Isaac Newton born
Isaac newton was born January 4, 1643

4 What did Isaac newton discover
Isaac newton discovered gravity in 1666 and the laws of motion in 1686

5 How did Isaac newton discover gravity
Isaac Newton discovered Gravity when he saw a falling apple

6 What was happening at this time
1643-Civil War in England began between Royalists & Parliament 1680-In New Mexico, Pope leads rebellion against Spaniards 1700-great northern war begns 1710-Battle of Villa Viciosa 1720-treaty was signed by Sweden and prussia 1727-new England has a severe earthquake

7 Why is Isaac newton important to the world of math
He is important because he discovered the three laws of motion, gravity, calculus, the reflecting telescope and many more things

8 When did he die Isaac newton died on March 31, 1727

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