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Bounding the error of misclassification

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1 Bounding the error of misclassification
Usman Roshan

2 Bayesian decision theory
Find a classifier f(x) that minimizes expected risk (expected value of loss) We want to find f that minimizes this but we don’t have all data points. We only have training data. And we don’t know P(y,x)

3 Empirical risk Since we only have training data we can’t calculate the expected risk (we don’t even know P(x,y)). Solution: we approximate P(x,y) with the empirical distribution pemp(x,y) The delta function δx(y)=1 if x=y and 0 otherwise.

4 Empirical risk We can now define the empirical risk as
Once the loss function is defined and training data is given we can then find f that minimizes this.

5 Different empirical risks
Linear regression Logistic regression SVM

6 Does it make sense to optimize empirical risk?
Does Remp(f) approach R(f) as we increase sample size? Remember that f is our classifier. We are asking if the empirical error of f approaches the expected error of f with more samples. Yes according to law of large numbers: mean value of random sample approaches true mean as sample size increases But how fast does it converge?

7 Chernoff bounds Suppose we have Xi i.i.d. trials where each Xi = |f(xi)-yi| Let m be the true mean of X Then

8 Convergence issues Applying Chernoff bound to empirical and expected risk give us Remember we fix f first before looking at data. So this is not too helpful. We want to show a bound with the best function estimation

9 Bound on empirical risk minimization
In other words bound: With some work we can show that where N(F,2n) measures the size of function space F. It is the maximum size of F on 2n datapoints. Since we can have at most 22n binary classifiers on 2n points the maximum size of F is 22n .

10 Structural risk/regularized risk minimization
We can rewrite the previous bound as Compare to regularized risk minimization

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