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Technology Roadmap 2017 Graham Covington

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Roadmap 2017 Graham Covington"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Roadmap 2017 Graham Covington

2 what we delivered, and what got deferred
2016 Review what we delivered, and what got deferred

3 Big Tickets Page Builder Events Marketing Automation
Peer-to-Peer (2.0)

4 Other Items UI changes (constituent data import, default account record, job monitor, receipt templates, import transaction data); batch annual receipting; engagement scoring; payment processors (Payflow Pro, Neteller, PayPal recurring); reporting (additional graphs); manage supporter gadgets (constituent data rollback); adding ‘reply to’; and more….

5 Page Builder Additional page types: advocacy, e- cards, Twitter advocacy Hooking into permission groups , manage supporters More advanced features

6 Marketing Automation Intuitive interface for creating workflows
Templates to save time and simplify choices Additional communication channels to include social and text messages

7 planning for the year ahead
2017 planning for the year ahead

8 Improve what we need now
Improving current workflows Raising the bar (e.g. mobile wallets) Platform expansion declining levels of donor retention. lower open rates on . there are exception: Charity Water engaging donors in a well. P2P social networks.

9 The Engagement Project The Deep Learning Project
Think about what is needed down the road The Engagement Project The Deep Learning Project

10 The Year Ahead create a ‘hub’ new reporting telemarketing
new dashboard master dashboard

11 Reporting UI changes new report formats report services

12 Display Widgets drag and drop element in page-builder
new design templates aggregating data sources

13 Display Widgets

14 Hub Space for greater engagement Space for managing practical tasks
Space for connection and organizing

15 Hub

16 Master Dashboard aggregate reporting content sharing data management

17 Other Items CRM functionality (origin source, household records, organization records; marketing automation (cont’d from 2016); templating revised; reporting update (custom reports, report builder, s); rest services expansion; dynamic asking strings; page builder (cont’d from 2016); permission group revisions; and more….


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