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WEC activities related to indicators

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1 WEC activities related to indicators
WEC Kick-off meeting – London, 20th May Carine Sebi, Enerdata and Didier Bosseboeuf ADEME

2 Main objectives Energy efficiency indicators will be calculated for all the WEC Member countries plus ten world regions (China and India, taking into account their demographic weight, will be treated like specific region/areas). Energy efficiency indicators will be available through an interactive database. All existing WEC indicators will be updated once a year in the interactive database WEC KOM London-20th May

3 WEC energy efficiency policy database
The database will have as presently two main sections: A selection by indicator: data mapper providing a benchmarking  of countries by showing on a world map through different  colours the position of each country for the indicator (both for the absolute value and for a trend) and graphs showing the position of each country compared to the world and region average A selection by WEC country: indicators are displayed for a given country; WEC KOM London-20th May

4 1 2 WEC KOM London-20th May

5 WEC KOM London-20th May

6 Taper ici le titre de la présentation

7 Agenda First round of indicator calculation (2012 and 2013 for “aggregated” indicators) Q3 2014 Q1 2015 First indicator trend analysis + update in online datatool Indicator data update (year 2013/2014) Q2 2015 Update in online datatool Q3 2015 WEC KOM London-20th May

8 Carine SEBI Senior Analyst

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