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Maintenance and Use of Stock Cultures

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance and Use of Stock Cultures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance and Use of Stock Cultures
Stock cultures are used in Internal Quality Control.

2 @ Stock culture strains are obtained from :
isolates from clinical specimens official culture collections reference laboratories external quality assurance surveys commercial distributors

3 Maintenance of stock cultures is made by:
@ long-term or short-term preservation.

4 Long-Term Preservation
@ This gives months or years between subcultures.

5 @ The best methods are : Lyophilization (freeze – drying)
2.Storage below – 70˚C in : a freezer in liquid nitrogen.

6 3.Glycerol at -20˚C. * Proceed as follows:
Grow a pure culture on a solid medium Scrape culture off with a loop Suspend growth in neutral glycerol

7 Distribute in screw-capped tubes
Store at -20˚C Avoid repeated freezing & thawing Subculture after months.

8 4.Stab cultures for non-exacting organisms
* Proceed as follows: Prepare tubes with a deep butt tryptic soya agar Stab organism into the agar

9 Incubate overnight at 35˚C
Close tube with screw-cap Dip cap into molten paraffin to seal Store at room temperature Subculture after one year.

10 5.Stab cultures for exacting organisms
* Proceed as follows: Prepare tubes of cystine trypticase agar Stab organism into the medium Incubate overnight at 35˚C

11 Close tube with screw-cap
Seal cap into molten paraffin Neisseria store at 35˚C & subculture every 2 weeks. Strep. store at room temp. & subculture monthly

12 6.Cooked meat medium for anaerobes:
* Proceed as follows: Inoculate tubes

13 Incubate overnight at 35˚C
Close tube with screw-cap Store at room temperature Transfer every two months

14 Short-Term Preservation
@ This is used for daily routine work .

15 @ For rapidly growing organisms
* Proceed as follows: 1.Inoculate a tryptic soya agar slant in screw-capped tubes

16 2.Incubate overnight at 35˚C
3.Store in refrigerator 4.Subculture every two weeks

17 For streptococci 1.Inoculate a blood agar slant in screw-capped tubes
Proceed as follows: : 1.Inoculate a blood agar slant in screw-capped tubes

18 2.Inocubate overnight at 35˚C
3.Store in refrigerator 4.Subculture every two weeks

19 @ For meningococci & Haemophilus
Proceed as follows: 1.Inoculate a chocolate agar slant

20 2.Incubate overnight at 35˚C
3.Store at room temperature 4.Subculture twice a week

21 @ For gonococci 1. Inoculate on CBA 2. Incubate and store at 35˚C
Proceed as follows: 1. Inoculate on CBA 2. Incubate and store at 35˚C

22 3. Subculture every two days
4. Replace the QC strain by each new clinical isolate

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