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Mr. Nepimach Czech Ecological Institute

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1 Mr. Nepimach Czech Ecological Institute
IRZ Mr. Nepimach Czech Ecological Institute

2 Integrated Pollution Register – international context (1)
OECD Recommendation on implementation of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Declaration from Rio de Janeiro and Agenda 21 Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (Protocol on PRTR)

3 Integrated Pollution Register – international context (2)
Aarhus Convention Decision of European Commission on European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) Decision of European Commission on E-PRTR

4 Integrated Pollution Register – aims (1)
The state has every moment available relevant and credible information about environment pollution. Expert and wide public has available easily accessible credible information about environment pollution.

5 Integrated Pollution Register – aims(2)
Required subjects can fulfil their reporting duties in an effective, simple and transparent way. Data from IRZ serve for fulfilling of the Czech Republic’s obligation as a member state of the European Union concerning reporting into the EPER and followingly to the E-PRTR.

6 Integrated Pollution Register – legal regulations
Act no. 76/2002 Coll., on integrated pollution prevention and control, on Integrated Pollution Register and amendment of some laws (Act on integrated pollution) Government Order no. 368/2003 Coll., on Integrated Pollution Register Executive Decree no. 572/2004 Coll., which sets the form and way of keeping background necessary for reporting into the Integrated Pollution Register

7 Act no. 76/2002 Coll. (1) Basic terms (§ 2)
Establishment of Integrated Pollution Register (§ 21) Reporting duties (§ 22) Changes in reporting of same data according to the special laws (§ 23)

8 Act no. 76/2002 Coll.(2) Requirement to co-operate with the MoE in preparation of the IRZ implementation and authorisation to ensure unity of the information system in the area of environment (§ 24) Evidence keeping and data archiving (§ 25) Making public data from the IRZ and ensuring of international obligations (§26)

9 Government Order no. 368/2003 Coll.
Definition of reported pollutant, reported unit and threshold (§ 1) Definition of reported thresholds for emissions into the air, water, soil and in transfers (§ 1) Way of estimation and finding out of reported pollutants (§ 2) Way and form of data reporting into the IRZ (§ 3) Measure to ensure unity of information system in the field of environment (§ 4)

10 Government Order no. 368/2003 Coll. - Annexes
Annex no. 1 and 2 – List of pollutants (72 and 88 pollutants) Annex no. 3 – determining of the way of finding out and evaluation of reported pollutants (measurement, calculation, expert estimation) Annex no. 4 – data required for reporting into the Integrated Pollution Register Annex no. 5 – installation category and determination of emission sources –NOSE-P codes

11 Executive Decree no. 572/2004 Coll.
Form and way of keeping evidence of background materials necessary for reporting into the IRZ The user of registered pollutant prepares reporting for IRZ from the evidence. Example of the evidence sheet for a registered pollutant– Annex no. 1 Data about fulfilment of integrated permit conditions– for installations according to the Annex no. 1 of the Act on integrated pollution

12 Integrated Pollution Register - terms
Emissions – release of substances, dissemination of vibration and noise, heat or other forms of non-ionisation radiation into the environment Transfer (out of location) – transfer of pollutants or waste meant for disposal or use and pollutants in waste water meant for treatment outside of the installation boundaries Reporting threshold – amount of pollutants in emission or transfers from one site from one calendar year set in the Annex no.1 and 2 to the GO no. 368/2003 Coll.

13 Integrated Pollution Register - pollutants
Annex no. 1 to GO no. 368/2003 Coll. – 72 pollutants – For the purposes of reporting to the IRZ for the year 2004 and following years. Last reporting accord. To this annex will be for the year in which the protocol PRTR will come into effect for the Czech Republic. Annex no. 2 to GO no. 368/2003 Coll.– 88 pollutants- it will be reported first accord. to this annex for the year which would follow the year when the PRTR Protocol becomes binding for the Czech Republic.

14 IRZ – Time Schedule The user of registered pollutant is obliged report to the Ministry of Environment data about emissions and transfers by 15 February each year for the previous year. First obligation to report data to the IRZ for the year 2004 is set for by 15 February 2005 Making public of data from the IRZ always by Of the calendar year on First report to the EPER June 2006 for the year 2004

15 Organisation, administration and operation(1)
Creator and guarantee for the IRZ – the MoE Establishes and maintain IRZ (§ 29 letter i), Decides on prolongation of deadlines for reporting to the IRZ (§ 22 par. 4), Is authorised to ask for co-operation from other subjects within the interconnection of evidences and IRZ (§ 24 par. (1)), Makes public and publishes data reported into the IRZ (§ 26 par. 1), makes available and passes on information from the IRZ for other state authorities (§ 26 par. 2), Ensures forwarding of data from the IRZ in line with international obligations (§ 26 par. 3).

16 Organisation, administration and operation (2)
Operator – Czech Ecol. Institute runs IRZ runs web site Prepares background documents for fulfilment of reporting duty into the EPER, accord. International obligations make public information from the IRZ, always on of a calendar year

17 The Role of the CEI within the IRZ System
Checks fulfilment of duties set by the Act no. 76/2002 Coll. (§ 34) Imposes fines according to the § 37 for: - not fulfilling the reporting duty - not adding data within a set time period - stating incorrect data - not keeping operational evidence Decides about interrupting or stopping of procedure to impose a fine

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