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Jule Hallerdin, MN, MPH, CNM Nurse Consultant, Office Family Planning

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1 Natural Family Planning (NFP) Grantee Meeting February 14-15, 2009 OFP Expectations for Year One
Jule Hallerdin, MN, MPH, CNM Nurse Consultant, Office Family Planning Office of Population Affairs

2 Who You Need to Know: Who you might need to know:
Office of Family Planning Project Officer Office of Grants Management Specialist Who you might need to know: Title X Service Grantees Title X Training Grantees Office of Family Planning Regional Program Consultants Contacts in the Office of Population Affairs and Office of Grant Management include: PO, GMO, ‘RPC s one in each of the 10 regions. RegionOrganization InformationContactI (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)JFK Federal Building 15 New Sudbury Street, Suite 2126 Boston, MA 02203Kathleen Desilets ph: fx: (NJ, NY, PR, VI)26 Federal Plaza, Room New York, NY 10278Robin Lane ph: fx: (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)The Public Ledger Building 150 S. Independence Mall West Philadelphia, PA Dickie Lynn Gronseth (RPC) Suite 436 ph: fx: Pam Kania (RPC) Suite 436 ph: fx: (KY, MS, NC, TN, AL, FL, GA, SC)Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Ste. 5B95 Atlanta, GA Edecia Richards ph: fx: (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)233 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60601Tamara Cox ph: fx: (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)1301 Young Street, Suite 1124 Dallas, TX 75202Evelyn Glass ph: fx: (IA, KS, MO, NE)Federal Office Building Room S East 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106Delia Jones ph: fx: (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)Federal Building, 4th Floor 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO Jill Leslie ph: fx: (AZ, CA, HI, NV, and the six U.S. Associated Pacific Jurisdictions)U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Family Planning 90 7th Street, Suite San Francisco, CA 94103Nancy Mautone-Smith ph: fx: (AK, ID, OR, WA)2201 Sixth Avenue, MS 29 Suite 800 Seattle, WA Marjie Witman ph: fx:

3 Office of Family Planning (OFP) Project Officers
Contact person for questions and issues relating to grant/project responsibilities Provide technical assistance and guidance if necessary Help with access to regional and local resources Monitor: Project activities Project operations Progress towards goals and objectives Along with GMO Federal steward of grant funds Monitors: Project activities, project operations, progress towards goals and objectives Along with the GMO is the Federal Steward of grant funds

4 Working with the OFP and OGM
Always consult your project officer BEFORE requesting any changes to your project Requests for changes or questions related to business issues should be made in writing to the OGM Grants Specialist All official correspondence to OGM should be copied to the Project Officer Official documents – in Grants management office

5 Lines of Communication
Contact Project Officer (PO) and discuss issue Get feedback from PO and agree upon course of action Send question or request to Grants Specialist in writing, copy your PO on the request

6 NFP Grants Project period for this grant 3 yrs 09/30/2008 - 09/29/2011
Budget Period for this grant 1 yr 09/30/2008 – 09/29/2009 Grant will be funded in annual increments (budget periods) Funding for all budget periods beyond the first yr of the grant is contingent upon the availability of funds, satisfactory progress of the project, and adequate stewardship of Federal funds.l

7 What You Need to Do Year 1 Review and Respond to Terms and Conditions of Notice of Grant Award (NGA) Meet with Project Officer Finalize Project Plan & Budget If applicable establish linkage with service grantees Implement Research Project Attend 1 OFP meeting Continuation application due 3 months before end of budget period Each year of the project period the grantee is required to submit a non-competing application which includes an annual progress report, project work plan, budget, and budget justification for the upcoming year. The progress report must contain, at a minimum, progress on all program objectives, as well as a report on evaluation of the project. End of project in RFA-plan for disseminating research findings should be included with narrative highlighting the findings of the entire project and the implications for improving Family Planning service delivery. Other obligations include An annual Financial Status Report (FSR) within 90 days after the end of each budget period. Need to access grant solutions for continuation packages How to go to grants

8 What You Need to Do Year 2 On-going communication with your project officer Annual continuation application submitted approximately 3 months prior to the end of budget period Annual progress reports and evaluations FSR-Financial Status Report (FSR) within 90 days after the end of each budget period Each year of the project period the grantee is required to submit a non-competing application which includes an annual progress report, project work plan, budget, and budget justification for the upcoming year. The progress report must contain, at a minimum, progress on all program objectives, as well as a report on evaluation of the project. End of project in RFA-plan for disseminating research findings should be included with narrative highlighting the findings of the entire project and the implications for improving Family Planning service delivery. Other obligations include An annual Financial Status Report (FSR) within 90 days after the end of each budget period. Need to access grant solutions for continuation packages

9 What You Need to Do Year 3 Final Report- FSR Research Findings
Narrative should highlight the findings of the entire project Including implications for improving family planning service delivery FSR Research Findings Including plan for disseminating research findings Including how products of the research will be made accessible to the Office of Population Affairs, as well as to Title X The grantee must submit a brief summary in 2,500 to 4,000 words, written in non-scientific (laymen’s ) terms. family planning administrators and practitioners, researchers, and state and local policy- makers. The summary plan and FSR must be mailed to your GM specialist cc to your PO. ioni

10 Reminders Federal grant support must be acknowledged in any publication developed or training provided using Title X funds All materials or publications developed or purchased with Title X funds must be consistent with the requirements of the Title X program When issuing statement, press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations and other document describing projects of programs funded in whole or in part with Federal money, all grantees shall clearly state the percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the program or project which will be financed with Federal money, and the percentage and dollar amount of the total costs of the project or program that will be financed with nongovernmental sources. Federal grant support must be acknowledged in any publication developed or training provided using Title X funds. All materials or publications developed or purchased with Title X funds must be consistent with the requirements of the Title X program neyrFederal grant support must be acknowledged in any publication developed or training provided using Title X funds.

11 Reminders Grantees who receive $500,000 or more of Federal funds annually must undergo an independent audit in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 Total of all grants received from OPA/OFP

12 Natural Family Planning (NFP) Grantee Meeting

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