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DO NOW!! Turn in Pig packet Turn in Digestive Lab Turn in model

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1 DO NOW!! Turn in Pig packet Turn in Digestive Lab Turn in model
Pick up Nervous packet Get out notes

2 The Nervous System

3 Functions: Control and Communication Center
1. Sensory Stimuli Changes 2. Integrative Processing Decision-making 3. Motor Reaction Effector organs 3

4 Nervous System: Main Goal
What is the main goal?

5 Organization Central nervous system (CNS) Brain and spinal cord
Integration & command center 2. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Nerves Information delivery system

6 Neurons AKA nerve cells Structural units of nervous system
Conduct electrical impulses

7 Cell body Dendrites Main receptive surface Axon Conducts impulses away from cell body

8 3 functional types Sensory PNS to CNS Interneurons In CNS only Motor CNS to PNS

9 Signal Transmission: The Synapse
Junction between 2 neurons Neurotransmitters Excitatory transmitter Inhibitory transmitter  One way conduction  Transmitter can be exhausted.

10 Nerves Bundle of axons Structure similar to muscles 3 types Sensory
Motor Mixed Nerve Pathways Route an impulse follows Reflex Arc

11 Reflex Arc

12 The Brain 100 billion neurons 3-3.5 lbs. 4 major regions
Cerebral hemispheres Cerebellum Diencephalon Brain stem

13 Motor Sensory Association Cerebrum Cerebral Cortex
Paired left & right hemispheres Corpus callosum Gyri, sulci, fissures Functions: Word formation Personality Sensory association Estimation Auditory processing Language memory Judgment Speech Vision Reasoning Verbalizing Memory storage Intelligence Voluntary responses Motor Sensory Association Corpus callosum video in picture


15 Cerebellum Coordination center Damage Smooth movements
Maintain muscle tone Maintain equilibrium Damage

16 Diencephalon Thalamus Hypothalamus Limbic System Pineal Gland
Sensory relay station Hypothalamus Homeostasis powerhouse Limbic System Emotional experience and expression Pineal Gland Sleep-Activity cycles Pituitary Gland “Master gland”

17 Brain Stem Regulates involuntary activities 3 regions
Medulla oblongata Cardiac, respiratory, vasomotor centers Pons Breathing Midbrain Reflex sight and hearing Reticular formation Comas

18 The Meninges Cerebrospinal Fluid Tough membranes Dura mater
Allows brain to float Homeostatic environment Tough membranes Dura mater Arachnoid mater Pia mater

19 Cranial Nerves 12 pairs Olfactory Optic Oculomotor Trochlear
Trigeminal Abducens Facial Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Vagus Accessory Hypoglosseal Cranial Nerves

20 Spinal Cord Starts where nervous tissue leaves the cranial cavity
31 segments with paired nerves 2 major functions Conducting nerve impulses Center for spinal reflexes Cauda equina

21 Peripheral Nervous System
Nerves and cells outside the CNS Information transmission 2 Functional Divisions 1. Sensory (afferent) division 2. Motor (efferent) division 2 Divisions 1. Somatic nervous system 2. Autonomic nervous system 1. Sympathetic 2. Parasympathetic



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