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Recipient Reporting Update Section 1512

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1 Recipient Reporting Update Section 1512
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) September 18, 2009 1

2 Webinar Platform: Participant View
Presentation Slide Area Attendee List Chat Room Full Screen Status Options

3 Submitting Questions To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text field and click the arrow button. Please enter the name to whom the question is directed. Your name, the text “Submitted Question,” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters—no other participants will see your questions. Text Field Gary, where can I find today’s PPT? Arrow Button

4 Practice In the Chat Room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.

5 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. & Password

6 Presenters Featured Speakers
Judi Fisher, Division Chief, Office of Grants and Contract Management, Division of Policy, Review and Resolution Nancy Williams, Team Leader, Office of Grants and Contract Management, Division of Policy, Review and Resolution

7 Introduction Purpose: Webinar topics to include:
Review highlights of reporting requirements webinar Discuss registration requirements and the data quality review process Provide updates on recipient reporting requirements Webinar topics to include: Office of Management & Budget (OMB) central electronic reporting system: Prime and Sub-Recipient registration requirements Data quality review process Reporting updates Getting / staying up to speed

8 Materials Slide Presentation Section 1512 Reporting: Fact Sheet Recipient Reporting Data Model V3.0 Recipient Self Assessment Tool

9 Highlights 1st Recipient Reporting Webinar
Section 1512 recipient reports required by the Recovery Act of 2009 Separate from ETA 9130 financial report and other required program reports Implementing guidance - June 22, (OMB M-09-21) Same reporting requirements apply to Recovery Act grants for all Federal agencies

10 Highlights What ETA Programs are Covered?
Employment Service/Wagner-Peyser Funded Activities Senior Community Service Employment Program WIA Adult Program WIA Youth Activities WIA Dislocated Workers National Emergency Grants - Health Coverage Assistance Native American Employment and Training YouthBuild Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors 10

11 Highlights: Who Must Submit Reports?
All Prime Recipients (a.k.a. direct grant recipients) Receiving ARRA funds Delegated Sub-recipients 11

12 Highlights: Required Information
Total amount of Recovery Act funds received and amount spent on projects and activities List of projects and activities funded by name to include: Description Completion Status Estimates on jobs created or retained Details on sub-awards Payments to vendors $25,000 or more

13 Jobs Created and Retained
Clarifications Jobs Created and Retained Summer Youth decision pending at OMB How to calculate FTE Formula in OMB Guidance and TEGL Includes all hours paid by ARRA Exclude uncompensated leave accrued

14 Possible Reporting Issues
Consolidated WIA formula report Identified by grant award number Not individual reports by funding stream Must provide list of projects and activities by funding stream, i.e. (adult, dislocated worker, youth, National Emergency Grants) Awaiting further clarification by OMB

15 Registration
Section 1512 Reports Registration

16 Registration
OMB-managed central nationwide data collection system for Federal Agencies and Recipients of Federal awards under Section 1512 of the Recovery Act Registration opened 8/17/09 Must complete one-time registration Recipients must meet certain pre-requisites Early registration strongly recommended! May take two or more days to complete 16

17 Recipients (prime and sub) will have the ability to:
Registration Prime Recipients, delegated Sub-Recipients and Federal Agencies will have the ability to: Register for the site and manage their account(s) View and comment on reports Federal Agency Representative or Prime Recipient only Recipients (prime and sub) will have the ability to: Submit reports Update or correct reports when appropriate

18 All entities receiving Recovery Act funds
Who needs to register? All entities receiving Recovery Act funds Federal Agencies Prime Recipients Delegated Sub-Recipients Trade and UI programs excluded Note: The reporting system automatically creates a Recipient Point of Contact (POC) 18

19 Point of Contact automatically registers two individuals as the POC for Recipients The first user for a given DUNS number is the Electronic Business Primary Point of Contact The individual listed in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) is the Government Business Primary Point of Contact

20 Responsibilities of Recipient POC
Ability to perform all functions of a recipient Assign one or more DUNS Administrators Remove a user identified by the DUNS number Administer FRPIN (Federal Reporting PIN #) Approve/Issue FRPIN in response to user request Deny FRPIN in response to user request Reset/Change FRPIN Can serve as POC for multiple DUNS numbers

21 Information Needed to Register
Prime and Delegated Sub-Recipients Pre-Requisites for Registration Valid address DUNS number ( CCR information ( Technology needed for using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Mozilla Firefox 2 or higher (JavaScript enabled) Not accessible on hand-held computers, cell phones, PDAs

22 Additional Information Needed to Register
Federal Agency Information Funding Agency Code: - DOLETA (Code chart is on  Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) for DOL If the form seems to want only 4 digits, use the last 4. Program TAFS Symbol WIA Formula, Youthbuild, Green Jobs/High Growth SCSEP ES (including re-employment services)

23 Information Needed to Submit Reports
Prime Recipients Awarding Agency Name Award number (case and character sensitive) DUNS number (as shown on award) Delegated Sub-Recipients Prime Recipient DUNS number Prime Award number Transaction type (ETA sub-recipients choose “grant”)

24 Section 1512 Reports Data Quality Review

25 Reviewing Reports – Overview
Remember the timeline! October 1-10, 2009 October 11-21, 2009 October 22-29, 2009 October 30, 2009 Prime Recipients and delegated subs enter draft report data First report due 10/10/09 [ETA staff will provide assistance as needed] Prime Recipients review data submitted by subs Prime Recipients and subs make corrections ETA staff unofficially review reports; notify Prime Recipients if error noted Official review of data with Agency Classification ETA Staff contact with Prime Recipients as necessary Prime Recipients and subs make corrections Reports published on with Agency Classification 25

26 ETA Report Review Who: Prime recipients and delegated Sub-recipients What: Material Omissions, Significant Reporting Errors in Prime Recipient and delegated Sub-Recipient Reports When: During the review period, days and coordinate with prime recipients and delegated sub- recipients regarding any errors identified

27 ETA Report Review (cont’d)
Recipient errors must be corrected by Day 29 ETA must classify report status by Day 29 Not reviewed by agency Reviewed by agency, no material omissions or significant reporting errors identified Reviewed by agency, material omissions or significant reporting errors identified

28 Accuracy, Completeness and Timely Reporting
Data Quality Reviews Accuracy, Completeness and Timely Reporting Avoidance of two key data issues Material Omissions “Instances where required data is not reported or reported information is not otherwise responsive to the data requests resulting in significant risk that the public is not fully informed as to the status of a Recovery Act project or activity” Significant Reporting Errors “Instances where required data is not reported accurately and such erroneous reporting results in significant risk that the public will be misled or confused by the recipient report in question”

29 ETA Official Reviews (Day 22-29)
Official review and classification will be completed as early as possible to allow recipients to make corrections and staff to have enough time to re- review and re-classify If error located, ETA classifies report as Reviewed by Agency, material omissions or significant reporting errors identified – This unlocks the report for correction Submitters (prime or sub) receive automatic notification that comments have been made to their report Recipients have until the 29th day to make corrections

30 ETA Technical Assistance: Recipient Self Assessment Tool
Voluntary guidance for grantees use Assess readiness for Prime Recipients and delegated Sub-recipients Does not have to be returned to ETA Handout

31 ETA Technical Assistance: Section 1512 Mailbox
Announced in TEN 7-09 under “Available Resources” Inquiries fielded by ETA ARRA workgroup Responses provided individually . . . Questions received by COB Thursdays Will be aggregated and posted as FAQs the following week Friday on ETA’s Recovery Act website,

32 Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program required to be reported? Are summer jobs counted as jobs created? Technical questions on data entry CCR registration requirements Codes Handout

33 Visit OMB website (
Resources Visit OMB website ( Memoranda (e.g., OMB Memo 09-21) Recipient Reporting Data Model Version 3.0 FAQs Webinars on ARRA 1512 Reporting Workforce3One archived recording of ETA webinar Templates Instructions Registration

34 ETA References/Resources
ETA Fact Sheet ETA Directives TEGL 1-09-Reporting Requirements under Section 1512 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Change 1 coming shortly TEN 7-09-Technical Assistance on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Section1512 Reporting Requirements TEGL Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering (DUNS) System/Central Contractor Registration (CCR)

35 Questions? Use the Chat Feature!

36 Stay Informed, Get Connected!
Workforce3 One: Communities of Practice Recovery Clearinghouse Live and Archived Webinars Podcasts Monthly Newsletters Thousands of User-Generated Resources! For more information about the Workforce Investment System: Visit Call US2-JOBS

37 Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
Simply log on to Workforce3 One and look for the “Share Content” link located on the Homepage. Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! Submit your content to Workforce3 One at:

38 Access to Webinar Resources
Recordings and transcripts are available within 2 business days after the event. & Password


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