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The Female Reproductive System

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Presentation on theme: "The Female Reproductive System"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Female Reproductive System
16 The Female Reproductive System

2 Multimedia Directory Slide 20 Oogenesis Animation
Slide 30 The Female Pelvis Animation Slide 41 Breast Cancer Video Slide 61 Premenstrual Syndrome Video Slide 96 Mammography Video

3 Learning Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Define and spell the word parts used to create terms for the female reproductive system Identify the major organs of the female reproductive system and describe their structure and function

4 Learning Objectives (cont.)
After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Break down and define common medical terms used for symptoms, diseases, disorders, procedures, treatments, and devices associated with the female reproductive system Build medical terms from the word parts associated with the female reproductive system

5 Learning Objectives (cont.)
After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Pronounce and spell common medical terms associated with the female reproductive system

6 The Female Reproductive System
Produces the sex cells, or gametes, called ova or oocytes Supports the developing embryo and fetus once fertilization has occurred Secretes hormones estrogen and progesterone

7 Prefixes a- = without, absence of
dys- = bad, abnormal, difficult, painful endo- = within intra- = within peri- = around pre- = before syn- = together, joined

8 Combining Forms aden/o = gland cervic/o = cervix, neck colp/o = vagina
culd/o = cul-de-sac cyst/o = sac, bladder

9 Combining Forms (cont.)
episi/o = vulva gynec/o, gyn/o = woman hydr/o = water hyster/o = uterus leuk/o = white

10 Combining Forms (cont.)
mamm/o, mast/o = breast men/o, menstru/o = month, menstruation metr/i, metr/o = uterus my/o = muscle

11 Combining Forms (cont.)
oophor/o, ovari/o = ovary ov/o = egg pelv/i, pelv/o = pelvis, washbasin perine/o = perineum py/o = pus rect/o = straight, erect, rectum

12 Combining Forms (cont.)
salping/o = tube son/o = sound thel/i = nipple trachel/o = cervix, neck uter/o = womb, uterus vagin/o = sheath, vagina vulv/o = vulva

13 Suffixes -al, -an, -ary = pertaining to
-atresia = closure; absence of a normal body opening -centesis = surgical puncture to aspirate fluids -graphy = process of recording

14 Suffixes (cont.) -pexy = surgical fixation, suspension
-rrhaphy = suturing -salpinx = trumpet, fallopian tube -stomy = surgical creation of an opening

15 Anatomy and Physiology
Reproductive system’s primary organs—ovaries Other female reproductive organs fallopian tubes uterus vagina external genitalia mammary glands

16 Figure 16.1: Female reproductive organs

17 The Ovaries Produce ova and hormones estrogen and progesterone
Paired, almond-shaped organs Each sac-like ovarian follicle contains a single ovum

18 The Ovaries (cont.) During ovulation, the ovum is released and drawn into a fallopian tube This ovarian cycle begins at puberty and ends at menopause

19 Figure 16.2: Ovary

20 Click on the screenshot to view an animation on oogenesis.
Oogenesis Animation Click on the screenshot to view an animation on oogenesis. Back to Directory

21 The Fallopian Tubes Pair of narrow tubes, about 4 inches long, between ovary and uterus Also called uterine tubes or oviducts

22 The Uterus Pear-shaped organ, about size of a woman’s clenched fist
Located between the urinary bladder and rectum Separated from the rectum by a narrow space called the rectouterine pouch

23 The Uterus (cont.) Consists of
fundus central body cervix Cervical canal opens into the vagina via the external os

24 The Uterus (cont.) Endometrium—inner lining of uterus
Menses—begins when outer layer of endometrium breaks away, causing bleeding from the uterus Menarche—first menses at onset of puberty

25 Figure 16.3: Ovary The uterus and nearby structures Source: Icon Learning Systems

26 The Vagina Thin-walled, tube-shaped organ about 3-4 inches long
Often called the birth canal Vaginal orifice—opening of the vagina Hymen—thin mucous membrane across vaginal opening

27 Female External Genitalia
Structures located outside the vagina Collectively known as the vulva and include Mons pubis Labia majora Labia minora

28 Female External Genitalia (cont.)
Vestibule—inner part of the vulva Clitoris Urinary meatus Vaginal orifice Bartholin’s glands—provide lubrication to vagina Perineum—region between vestibule’s posterior border and anus

29 Figure 16.4: The female external genitalia Source: Icon Learning Systems

30 The Female Pelvis Animation
Click on the screenshot to view an animation on anatomy of the female pelvis. The animation may take a moment before playing. Back to Directory

31 The Mammary Glands Organs that produce milk for infant nourishment
Areola—heavily pigmented area surrounding nipple Alveolar glands—produce milk when a woman is lactating

32 Figure 16.5: The mammary glands Source: Icon Learning Systems

33 Word Roots cervic = cervix, neck mamm = breast
men = month, menstruation metr = uterus ov = egg perine = perineum uter = womb, uterus vagin = sheath, vagina

34 Symptoms and Signs Amenorrhea Dysmenorrhea Hematosalpinx
Absence of menstrual discharge Dysmenorrhea Pain during menstruation Hematosalpinx Blood in a fallopian tube

35 Symptoms and Signs (cont.)
Hydrosalpinx Water accumulation in a fallopian tube Leukorrhea White or yellow discharge from the uterus Mastalgia Pain in the breast

36 Symptoms and Signs (cont.)
Menometrorrhagia Irregular or excessive bleeding during and between menstrual periods Menorrhagia Excessive bleeding during menstruation Metrorrhagia Bleeding from the uterus at any time other than during normal menstruation

37 Symptoms and Signs (cont.)
Metrorrhea Discharge of mucus or pus from the uterus Oligomenorrhea Abnormally reduced discharge during menstruation Pyosalpinx Pus within a fallopian tube

38 Diseases and Disorders
Adenomyosis Abnormal condition of glandular tissue growth within muscle In the female, it refers to growth of the endometrium into the muscular layer of the uterus Amastia Absence of a breast

39 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Bartholin’s adenitis Inflammation of Bartholin’s gland Also known as bartholinitis Breast cancer Malignant tumor that arises from breast tissue Most common form—infiltrating ductal carcinoma

40 Figure 16.6: Breast cancer

41 Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of breast cancer. Back to Directory

42 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix Precancerous form of cervical cancer Cervical cancer Malignant tumor that arises from the cervix Most common form—squamous cell carcinoma

43 Figure 16.7: Cervical cancer

44 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Abnormal development of cells within the cervix Has the potential of becoming cancerous Abbreviated CIN Cervicitis Inflammation of the cervix

45 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Dermoid cyst Benign tumor that arises from ovarian tissue composed of abnormal embryonic tissue Dyspareunia Difficult or painful sexual intercourse

46 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Endocervicitis Inflammation of the inner lining of the cervix Endometrial cancer Malignant tumor that arises from endometrial tissue of the uterus One form of uterine cancer

47 Figure 16.8: Endometrial Cancer

48 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Endometriosis Abnormal condition of the endometrium, in which endometrial tissue grows on the fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, and elsewhere

49 Figure 16.9: Endometriosis

50 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Endometritis Inflammation of the endometrium Fibrocystic breast disease Formation of one or more benign cysts in the breast

51 Figure 16.10: Fibrocystic breast disease

52 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Fibroid tumor Benign tumor containing fibrous tissue that arises from the myometrium of the uterus Commonly referred to as fibroids Also called myoma of the uterus, fibromyoma, and leiomyoma

53 Figure 16.11: Fibroid tumors

54 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Fistula Abnormal passage from one hollow organ to another Rectovaginal fistula occurs between the vagina and rectum Vesicovaginal fistula occurs between the bladder and vagina

55 Figure 16.12: Fistula

56 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Gynopathic Pertaining to a disease of women Hysteratresia Closure of the uterus Results in an abnormal obstruction in the uterine canal Mastitis Inflammation of the breast

57 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Mastoptosis Condition of a sagging breast Myometritis Inflammation of the myometrium Oophoritis Inflammation of an ovary Ovarian cancer Malignant tumor that arises from an ovary

58 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Parovarian cyst Cyst of a fallopian tube Pelvic inflammatory disease Inflammation of the female organs within the pelvic cavity Generally includes the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes Abbreviated PID

59 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Perimetritis Inflammation of the perimetrium Polymastia Presence of more than two breasts

60 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Premenstrual syndrome Collection of symptoms, including tension, irritability, painful breasts, edema, and headache Usually strikes during the 10 days preceding menstruation Abbreviated PMS

61 Premenstrual Syndrome Video
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of PMS. Back to Directory

62 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Prolapsed uterus Displacement of the uterus in a downward location, often crowding into the vagina Also called hysteroptosis

63 Figure 16.13: Prolapsed uterus

64 Figure 16.13 (continued): Prolapsed uterus

65 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Salpingitis Inflammation of a fallopian tube Salpingocele Hernia of a fallopian tube

66 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Toxic shock syndrome Infectious disease; rapid onset of symptoms high fever skin rash diarrhea vomiting myalgia Hypotension leads to shock and, in severe cases, death Has been linked to non-cotton tampon use

67 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Vaginitis Inflammation of the vagina Also known as colpitis Atrophic vaginitis—a common form, usually due to a depletion of estrogens

68 Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Vulvovaginitis Inflammation of the vulva and vagina

69 Figure 16.14: Vaginitis

70 Figure 16.14 (continued): Vaginitis

71 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices
Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy Surgical repair of a protrusion of the bladder and rectum against the vaginal wall Biopsy Removal of a tissue sample for microscopic evaluation aspiration endoscopic excisional needle

72 Figure 16.15: Biopsy The various forms of gynecological biopsy are shown.

73 Figure 16.15 (continued): Biopsy The various forms of gynecological biopsy are shown.

74 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Cancer antigen-125 tumor marker Blood test that provides evidence for ovarian cancer Abbreviated CA-125 Cervical conization Removal of the cone-shaped portion of the cervix

75 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Cervicectomy Excision of the cervix Also called trachelectomy Colpoperineorrhaphy Suture of the vagina and perineum to correct tears

76 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Colpoplasty Surgical repair of the vagina Colporrhaphy Suturing of the vagina Colposcopy Endoscopic examination of the vagina (and cervix) using a colposcope

77 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Culdocentesis Surgical puncture into the pelvic cavity to remove fluid from the rectouterine pouch Culdoscopy Endoscopic examination of the rectouterine pouch using a culdoscope

78 Figure 16.16: Culdocentesis and culdoscopy

79 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Dilation and curettage Dilation of the cervix and scraping of the endometrium to: control bleeding obtain a tissue sample for biopsy remove polyps Endometrial ablation Use of lasers, electricity, or heat to destroy the endometrium, followed by its removal

80 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Episioperineoplasty Surgical repair of the vulva and perineum Episiorrhaphy Suturing of the vulva to correct a tear Episiotomy Incision of the vulva and perineum to prevent tearing during childbirth

81 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Gynecology Study of diseases of women Abbreviated GYN Gynecologist Physician who specializes in women’s diseases

82 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Hormone replacement therapy Clinical treatment that includes replacement of naturally produced hormones with synthetic hormones as a treatment for menopause Abbreviated HRT Also called estrogen replacement therapy, or ERT

83 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Hymenectomy Excision of the hymen Hymenotomy Incision into the hymen Hysterectomy Excision of the uterus that may include surrounding structures Also called uterectomy

84 Figure 16.17: Alternative forms of surgeries involving the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes

85 Figure (continued): Alternative forms of surgeries involving the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes

86 Figure (continued): Alternative forms of surgeries involving the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes

87 Figure (continued): Alternative forms of surgeries involving the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes

88 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Hysteropexy Surgical fixation of the uterus Hysterosalpingography X-ray procedure that produces an x-ray image of the uterus and fallopian tubes after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium Image: hysterosalpingogram

89 Figure 16.18: Hysterosalpingography

90 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy Excision of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries Hysteroscopy Endoscopic examination of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope Laparoscopy Endoscopic examination of the abdominal or pelvic cavity with a laparoscope

91 Figure 16.19: Laparoscopy

92 Figure 16.19 (continued): Laparoscopy Source: Custom Medical Stock Photo, Inc.

93 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Mammography X-ray procedure that produces an x-ray image of the breast, called a mammogram Mammoplasty Surgical repair of the breasts that results in the enlargement or reduction of breast size or the removal of a tumor

94 Figure 16.20: Mammography Sources: (a) Robin Nelson/PhotoEdit, Inc.

95 Figure 16.20: Mammography Sources: (b) Peter Arnold, Inc.

96 Mammography Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of mammography. The video may take a moment before playing. Back to Directory

97 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Mastectomy Excision of a breast Simple mastectomy Radical mastectomy (also called Halstead mastectomy) Modified radical mastectomy Lumpectomy

98 Figure 16.21: Mastectomy

99 Figure 16.21 (continued): Mastectomy

100 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Mastopexy Surgical fixation of the breast Usually performed to elevate pendulous breast tissue Myomectomy Excision of a myoma, or fibroid tumor, from the uterus

101 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Oophorectomy Excision of an ovary Panhysterectomy Excision of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes Radical hysterectomy—similar procedure in which lymph nodes, upper portion of vagina, and surrounding tissues are also removed

102 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Papanicolaou smear Sample of cells from the cervix and vagina is removed and examined microscopically for abnormalities Mainly used to screen for cervical cancer Also called Pap smear or Pap test

103 . Figure 16.22: Pap smear

104 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Perineorrhaphy Suturing of the perineum to correct a tear Salpingectomy Excision of a fallopian tube Salpingo-oophorectomy Excision of a fallopian tube and an ovary, usually from the same side

105 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Salpingostomy Surgical creation of an opening through the wall of a fallopian tube, often to treat ectopic tubal pregnancy

106 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Sonohysterography Ultrasound procedure that records an image of the uterus with the use of sound waves Image: sonohysterogram Trachelorrhaphy Suturing of the cervix wall

107 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Transvaginal sonography Ultrasound procedure to record images of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and surrounding structures Abbreviated TVS Tubal ligation Sterilization procedure by cutting and tying the fallopian tubes

108 Figure 16.23: Tubal ligation

109 Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.)
Vaginal speculum Instrument for opening the vaginal orifice to permit visual examination of the vagina and beyond Vulvectomy Excision of the vulva

110 Figure 16.24: Vaginal speculum Source: Simon Fraser/Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers Inc.

111 Pharmaceuticals Abortifacients Fertility agents
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) Oral contraceptive pills

112 Abbreviations A&P repair Bx, bx CA-125 CIN CIS D&C

113 Abbreviations (cont.) ERT FBD GYN HRT HSG Pap smear (test)

114 Abbreviations (cont.) PID PMS TAH/BSO TSS TVS

115 Classroom Response System

116 Which of the following is characterized by the symptom of abnormal pain during menstruation?
amenorrhea dysmenorrhea menorrhagia leukorrhea

117 Which of the following is characterized by the symptom of abnormal pain during menstruation?
amenorrhea dysmenorrhea menorrhagia leukorrhea

118 What does the abbreviation PID stand for?
pelvic inflammatory disease pelvic irritable disorder pubic inflammatory disease pubic irritable disorder

119 What does the abbreviation PID stand for?
pelvic inflammatory disease pelvic irritable disorder pubic inflammatory disease pubic irritable disorder

120 Which of the following terms means the removal of the vagina?
cervicectomy colpectomy endometrial ablation hysterectomy

121 Which of the following terms means the removal of the vagina?
cervicectomy colpectomy endometrial ablation hysterectomy

122 Which of the following words means removal of the breast tissue?
mammoplasty oophorectomy mastectomy salpingectomy

123 Which of the following words means removal of the breast tissue?
mammoplasty oophorectomy mastectomy salpingectomy

124 Which of the following is the site of menstruation and fetal implantation?
ovaries fallopian tubes vagina uterus

125 Which of the following is the site of menstruation and fetal implantation?
ovaries fallopian tubes vagina uterus

126 Blood within a fallopian tube is a symptom called:
pyosalpinx menorrhagia hematosalpinx hydrosalpinx

127 Blood within a fallopian tube is a symptom called:
pyosalpinx menorrhagia hematosalpinx hydrosalpinx

128 Classroom Response System

129 What does the combining form oophor/o mean?
breast fallopian tube uterus ovary

130 What does the combining form oophor/o mean?
breast fallopian tube uterus ovary

131 What does the word mastitis mean?
inflammation of the breast inflammation of the vagina inflammation of the endometrium inflammation of the pelvic cavity

132 What does the word mastitis mean?
inflammation of the breast inflammation of the vagina inflammation of the endometrium inflammation of the pelvic cavity

133 Which of the following is the surgical repair of the vagina?
colpectomy colpoplasty colporrhaphy colpopexy

134 Which of the following is the surgical repair of the vagina?
colpectomy colpoplasty colporrhaphy colpopexy

135 What is an abnormally reduced discharge during menstruation?
oligomenorrhea dysmenorrhea menometrorrhagia metrorrhea

136 What is an abnormally reduced discharge during menstruation?
oligomenorrhea dysmenorrhea menometrorrhagia metrorrhea

137 What is the condition of a displaced uterus pressing downward into the vagina?
vaginitis perimetritis prolapsed uterus oophoritis

138 What is the condition of a displaced uterus pressing downward into the vagina?
vaginitis perimetritis prolapsed uterus oophoritis

139 What is a suture of the vagina and perineum to correct tears known as?
cervical conization colpoplasty colpoperineorrhaphy hymenotomy

140 What is a suture of the vagina and perineum to correct tears known as?
cervical conization colpoplasty colpoperineorrhaphy hymenotomy

141 What is a surgical repair of a breast called?
mammoplasty mammography mastopexy mastectomy

142 What is a surgical repair of a breast called?
mammoplasty mammography mastopexy mastectomy

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