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Streamlining Recruitment Workstream Daniel Elkins, Programme Director, Streamlining London.

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Presentation on theme: "Streamlining Recruitment Workstream Daniel Elkins, Programme Director, Streamlining London."— Presentation transcript:

1 Streamlining Recruitment Workstream Daniel Elkins, Programme Director, Streamlining London


3 Employment Checks Heatmap

4 Recruitment Managers Vision
We work in an NHS that attracts great people. Our Trust plans its recruitment needs well and clearly defines the roles, responsibilities and expectations of Recruiting Managers and the Recruitment Team. As Recruitment Managers, - we work in partnership with recruiting managers to deliver a fast, flexible, high performing, expert and valued service - where applicants are treated well and follow a simple and transparent process. Defined by London Recruitment Managers at Streamlining Recruitment Seminar 12th March 2015

5 Recent Focus ID Checks Induction Criminal Record Notice Period
Conditional Offer Unconditional Offer Resignation Vacancy Role Re-definition Applications Resign Induction Advert Interviews ID Checks Approvals Criminal Record Notice Period Longlisting References Shortlisting Occ Health 2 week clearances Reporting & Systems Vacancy Control Bulk Recruitment

6 What is possible / necessary?
7 weeks average time to hire Worth [£60 million] More mobile & flexible workforce - £priceless

7 Time to Hire 2014 Time to Hire……………….8-14 weeks 2014 Average Time to Hire……….12 weeks 2015 Average Time to Hire……[10?] weeks 2016 Average Time to Hire……..[8?] weeks

8 Staff Movements Volumes
Chart #1depict the volume of applications against the time to hire. There is no correlation between the two. As time to hire improves there should be something approaching a vertical line of dots. Chart #2 depict the time to hire against Offers per FTE There is no correlation between the two (outliers removed.) As time to hire improves and staff look to adopt the most efficient streamlining practices then the dots should start to move towards the bottom left quarter of the chart.

9 Onboarding ID Checks Induction Criminal Record Notice Period
Conditional Offer Unconditional Offer Resignation Vacancy Role Re-definition Applications Resign Induction Advert Interviews ID Checks Approvals Criminal Record Notice Period Longlisting References Shortlisting Occ Health Pre-Emp IAT Pipeline of New Starters Prepare for Leaving Collect Evidence of Training Collect Evidence of Training Prepare for Arrival

10 Your Role in this Trust Wide Onboarding Project Recruitment
Medical Staffing Payroll Team OH L&D IT Security Facilities Are you getting gathering evidence of prior training? Does your Policy and your SMEs accept evidence of prior training? Are you able to deliver local content separately from CSTF learning outcomes? Are Recruitment requesting Pre-Emp IAT at Conditional Offer? Do you have the StatMan Role set up? Are you using this fully? Do you have a ‘pipeline of new starters’? Do you set an expiry date to meet your TNA / Frequency? Do you update your compliance reporting to reflect evidence prior training?

11 Your Role in this Realising the benefits
Have you organised induction so that staff are released to wards? Do you allow staff to start as soon as they are available or wait until ‘Induction day’? Do you communicate it clearly that compliant staff ‘fasttrack induction’? Do you communicate the saving in staff time? [£195 per day] [£117k p.a. for 50 staff p.m.] Do you relate it to saving in agency spend? Paying it forward Have you uploaded your CSTF National Competencies? Are you keeping them up to date (weekly) – automatically, using Data Load, or manually? Are they accurate? What about providing staff with Certificates? What about providing an address to request a certificate?

12 Getting the data flowing Duncan Ford & Daniel Elkins

13 Your Role in this

14 Your Role in this

15 Your Role in this

16 Tracking your progress

17 Tracking your progress

18 Tracking your progress

19 Your Role in this If you have not yet completed the one off upload please do so urgently Please provide the number of CSTF National Competencies in your Monthly Stats report Please work out how you are going to keep your data updated weekly or at least fortnightly Please work with Duncan and our Data Load contractor to finish this task Please help each other all to reduce wasted staff time and unnecessary duplication and low compliance so that you can focus on upskilling your workforce and your staff can focus on helping patients It will also get us off your back 

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