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Volunteer Training Module Open Door Clinic

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1 Volunteer Training Module Open Door Clinic
Hand Hygiene Volunteer Training Module Open Door Clinic

2 Why Hand Hygiene? Infections are a serious problem in healthcare facilities.  Every year, an estimated 2 million patients get a hospital-related infection.  90,000 die from their infection.  Many infections are transmitted on the hands of healthcare personnel. Hand hygiene is part of Standard Precautions. It can reduce the transmission of healthcare-associated infections – to your patients and to you.

3 When to Practice Hand Hygiene
Immediately before touching a patient, performing an invasive procedure, or manipulating an invasive device  Immediately after touching a patient, contaminated items or surfaces, or removing gloves  After removing gloves  After touching items or surfaces in the immediate patient care environment, even if you didn't touch the patient while you were there

4 Why Practice Hand Hygiene
Bacteria can survive for DAYS on patient care equipment and other surfaces.  Surfaces in the patient care environment – including bed rails, IV pumps, and even computer keyboards – are often contaminated with bacteria.  It’s important to practice hand hygiene after you leave the room, even if you only touched patient care equipment or other surfaces.


6 Alcohol-based Hand Rubs
Regular Soap Good Antimicrobial Soap Better Alcohol-based Hand Rub Best An alcohol-based hand rub is the preferred method for hand hygiene in all situations, except for when your hands are visibly dirty or contaminated.

7 Correct Hand Hygiene Practice Alcohol-based Hand Rub
Apply to palm of one hand (the amount used depends on specific hand rub product).  Rub hands together, covering all surfaces, focusing in particular on the fingertips and fingernails, until dry. Use enough rub to require at least 15 seconds to dry.

8 Correct Hand Hygiene Practice Handwashing
Wet hands with water.  Apply soap.  Rub hands together for at least 15 seconds, covering all surfaces, focusing on fingertips and fingernails. Rinse under running water and dry with disposable towel. Use the towel to turn off the faucet.

9 Hand Lotions Hand lotions are important to prevent skin dryness and irritation. You should use only hospital- approved hand lotions. Other lotions may:

10 Fingernails Keep your natural fingernails short to about ¼ inch.
Do not wear artificial nails when having direct contact with high-risk patients (e.g., ICU, OR).

11 Quick Check Summary When should you practice hand hygiene?
Which method kills more bacteria? How long should you wash or sanitize?

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