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Session 8 Integration Mindfulness X.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 8 Integration Mindfulness X."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 8 Integration Mindfulness X

2 This Presentation Integrating the Topics
OUTLINE This Presentation Integrating the Topics Integrating Mindfulness in Daily Life

3 1 Integrating the Topics

4 Overview 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Attention & the Now
Automaticity 4 Judgment Acceptance 5 6 Goals 7 Compassion 8 The Ego Integration

5 Complexity mindfulness = several components
1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS Complexity mindfulness = several components components presented separately in real life: many links

6 Session 1: Attention & Here and Now
1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS Session 1: Attention & Here and Now attention = awareness unaware = no change awareness of automatic patterns, judgment, conflict, goals, compassion, identification

7 Session 1: Attention & the Now
1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS Session 1: Attention & the Now 1 Attention & the Now 2 3 4 Automaticity Judgment Acceptance 5 6 7 Goals Compassion The Ego

8 Session 2: Automatism automaticity prevents change
1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS Session 2: Automatism automaticity prevents change all topics = automaticity

9 Session 2: Automatism 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 2 1 3 4 5 6 7
Automaticity 1 3 4 Attention & the Now Judgment Acceptance 5 6 7 Goals Compassion The Ego

10 Session 3: Judgment first step in conflict/struggle
1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS Session 3: Judgment first step in conflict/struggle hallmark of inner critic often product of ego

11 Session 3: Judgment 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 Judgment
Attention & the Now Automaticity Acceptance 5 6 7 Goals Compassion The Ego

12 Session 4: Acceptance non-acceptance = losing touch with now
1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS Session 4: Acceptance non-acceptance = losing touch with now non-acceptance = goal-oriented acceptance of self when suffering = compassion non-acceptance reflects ego functioning

13 Session 4: Acceptance 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 4 1 2 3 5 6 7
Attention & the Now Automaticity Judgment 5 6 7 Goals Compassion The Ego

Session 5: Goals too much focus on goals = less attention for the present moment failing to reach goals -> difficulty accepting consequence of goal failure = inner critic goals can be set by the ego

15 Session 5: Goals 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 Goals
Attention & the Now Automaticity Judgment 4 6 7 Acceptance Compassion The Ego

Session 6: Compassion compassion requires attention for suffering in this moment compassion counteracts separateness created by ego

17 Session 6: Compassion 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 6 1 2 3 4 5 7
Attention & the Now Automaticity Judgment 4 5 7 Acceptance Goals The Ego

Session 7: The Ego is a fixed story rather than an ever evolving self in the now is sustained by automatic thinking and behavioral patterns is the source of many judgments will resist experiences that threaten the self-story is heavily focused on the goal of becoming aims to maintain a self story rather than accept the self

19 Session 7: The Ego 1. INTEGRATING THE TOPICS 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ego
Attention & the Now Automaticity Judgment 4 5 6 Acceptance Goals Compassion

20 2 Integrating Mindfulness in Daily Life

21 A mindful future this training = a start
2. INTEGRATING MINDFULNESS IN DAILY LIFE A mindful future this training = a start more practice? -> stronger effects a lot of practices were presented: which one’s will you keep practicing?

22 Thanks For your attention

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